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My Fear


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Currently, I still enjoy pyro merc pvp. I do well 1v1 against any class except a healer, which is expected.


I'm a little insulted by my utility versus pt pyro. They do more damage w bigger rail shots. They can mitigate a lot more damage. They have very good utility w charge and pull.


I enjoy the dot and kite play style of pyro merc but I feel very weak compared to pt pyro but I cope.


My fear is that they will continue to change pyro to nerf pt pyro and ruin merc pyro at the same time (collateral damage) making me even less useful. I don't want to play arsenal. Please hear this bioware.

Edited by crrypto
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My fear is that they will continue to change pyro to nerf pt pyro and ruin merc pyro at the same time (collateral damage) making me even less useful. I don't want to play arsenal. Please hear this bioware.


The good news is that they will not nerf PT Pyro. The bad news is that they will continue to nerf Merc Pyro. Virtually no one plays Merc Pyro anymore. The nerfs caused all the underperformers to leave as their toons became inviable. The only ones left are those that had great gear and are highly skilled with their class. Which means that meta average productivity of Merc Pyros ROSE after the patch. Which is why they will get nerfed again.


Doubt me? This process is exactly what happened to Concealment Operatives. Nerf. People left the class. Nerfed again. Still doubt me? This process is what just happened to Arsenal Mercs. Nerfed. People left the class. Stealth nerf/bug that wont get fixed.


Meanwhile the opposite also holds true. The masses of people that re-rolled as melee generally and Mara/Sent in particular meant a huge drop in meta average productivity for those subclasses as the new people have yet to learn their class well and are undergeared. Hence the otherwise baffling buff to these subclasses in 1.2 and the already announced intent to buff them yet again by increasing TTK.

Edited by Macroecon
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The good news is that they will not nerf PT Pyro. The bad news is that they will continue to nerf Merc Pyro. Virtually no one plays Merc Pyro anymore. The nerfs caused all the underperformers to leave as their toons became inviable. The only ones left are those that had great gear and are highly skilled with their class. Which means that meta average productivity of Merc Pyros ROSE after the patch. Which is why they will get nerfed again.


Doubt me? This process is exactly what happened to Concealment Operatives. Nerf. People left the class. Nerfed again. Still doubt me? This process is what just happened to Arsenal Mercs. Nerfed. People left the class. Stealth nerf/bug that wont get fixed.


Meanwhile the opposite also holds true. The masses of people that re-rolled as melee generally and Mara/Sent in particular meant a huge drop in meta average productivity for those subclasses as the new people have yet to learn their class well and are undergeared. Hence the otherwise baffling buff to these subclasses in 1.2 and the already announced intent to buff them yet again by increasing TTK.


This is pure unsubstantiated conjecture. I read it all the time, and as believable as it is that average player dps rises when people rage on a nerfed class, I highly doubt it is that simple a metric when deciding class balance. If anyone can share evidence that is not circumstantial I'd love to read it.


Also, this is just your experience on you server, right? MANY more mercs on my server now play as pyro in 1.2. Some of the recent movers are good, some are awful.


Back to topic, I share OPs concerns about merc pyro. 1.2 shows they clearly treated them the same and probably will in future. Shared tree etc. It's a real shame as I highly expect a nerf to PT pryo soon enough which we will get caught up in. They need to take away the 100% instant cgc proc from flame burst and the low hanging rail shot fruit from the other trees instead of touching the perks we share.

Edited by Diddley
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