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A Guide To WatchMen PVE

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“Jedi Sentinel Watchmen: The Watch You Need To Know Compendium"




This is some information on the watchmen spec I thought I would share; these are things that I believe are most important. All the information I gathered is from what I learned from other compendiums or guides (see below for list of thanks), the rest of the details I figured out by recording tons of footage (Frap’s ftw) from HM operations and flashpoints, farming a single mob of class and level for changes, or using combat logs, parsers and our dear dear friend Mr. Robot and his wonderful site, theory crafting etc..! This is what I have come up with to give people a decent understanding of our class.


• First things first Stats…Obviously Strength is the biggest stat. Things such as main and offhand light saber damage, critical, and power force and melee damage are increased by this. At a certain point though the main stats and really the secondary stats as well (by the way I call anything not listed as a main stat on character sheet; accuracy, power, surge, critical etc…) you will start to notice smaller changes as this point is were getting a little creative comes in handy. Using higher power mods with lower strength etc…More on this below.


• I have updated the chart below for what I think is the values wanted for the Sentinel’s stats. The "effects per point" however has not been updated for 1.2 and I am sure the math is a little off. I have noticed since 1.2 the core stat, strength for watchmen, seems to go farther than it did pre patch, so don’t worry if you are in the 1700 with strength use a site like Mr. Robot’s to make adjustments to your armor to see if anything is worth changing. This is typical stat’s in a raid build.

Priority Stat Condition Effect per Point Underlies DR

1 Strength 1700-1750 0.2 bonus damage, 0.2 bonus force damage, 0.008 critical hit chance

2 Accuracy 10% or higher including Talents 0.0362 hit chance x

3 Critical rating Total crit 30-35 percent is great. 0.044 critical hit chance x

4 Surge rating Total surge between 69 and 75 percent. 0.1 critical damage x

5 Power Well power gives the best return for what you put in so you will find the number here is to have your bonus damage will sit around 500. 0.23 bonus damage, 0.23 bonus force damage

6 Light sabers DPS Main Hand Top End: 930-950, Offhand Top End: 275-310

Once you are 50 and actively securing end game armor having this is very attainable


“A popular thing to do is when you get your Rakata gear or higher, see what your stats look like to remove some of the mods and enhancements of the Columni gear you have, or some of the better raid mod drops. Below is change I made to Rakata before getting Black Hole pieces.


In terms of Gear if you are full Rakata Spec including the weapons it is good to change out two mods. change out 1 of the high level strength low level powers mods that give: 61str 11power , for either the columi mode that gives you 45str 35 pwr, or even better if you can get the Rakata Mod from the vindicator set called Advanced Deft Mod 25 it has 48str 37pwr. The 2nd mod to change out is the same idea but with Critical Rating, change out the mod that gives 61 strength and 11 critical for either the Columi mod with 45 str 35 crit, or the Rakata Advanced Potent Mod 25 48 str and 37 critical. If you change out these two you will see a bonus to your stats for dmg, any more than this however you will see a drop in your sabers dmg for very little increase in bonus or critical. Also since this guide is mainly aimed at PVE Level 50 players you always have to be aware of endurance, there may be other ways to squeeze a little extra dps out here and there, but we all need to remember; so many Ops, and Flash Point bosses do massive Aoe dmg, have random Agro tables, dmg moves that effect the second highest threat level party member, the fact we can pull threat a lot of times, so do not sacrifice all your endurance, be smart.

A little more stat info, that goes a long way.


· Strength improves melee attacks, and is the dominant stat for Sith Warriors/Jedi Knights. As such Strength also increases force attacks. Increasing by 4 Strength per level on average.

· Willpower improves force attacks, but is still an inferior stat for Sith Warriors/Jedi Knights, so do not worry about it.


· So not taking into account a curve here is a simple way to view the damage and healing. So every 5 points of a Primary stat (strength, endurance etc…) gives you +1 point of bonus damage. So for a Sentinel I would add five points of strength, get my bonus damage, and then a small amount of critical points for melee and also force bonus damage and critical from just my strength. (Guardian’s also should get force bonus damage and critical this way but I have not confirmed)


• Power, the Watchmen’s best friend. Power not only increases the bonus damage of Melee and Force. The second thing about Power that makes it so important for the Sentinel Watchmen it doesn’t have diminishing returns.


• Accuracy, Having 10 percent rating at least in Melee Accuracy is absolutely critical.

Surge or not to Surge, its not a friggin questions! YOU SURGE!!!

I don’t think this needs an explanation really most people are familiar with what it does, the critical rating is timed by this number to give you the overall damage of the critical hit, or the amount of healing done if a heal is critical. On a personal note I strongly believe Surge is sometimes a little underrated by people and is very class specific. Since Zen gives watchmen 100 percent critical and with buffs, and stims most peoples critical at end game will be around 30-35 percent easily, so I always say in terms of secondary stats it goes Accuracy>Power>Surge>Critical




• If you are new to MMORPG games or just the watchmen of course the rotation of any class is always important. Just some classes like watchmen might have somthing like this: Rotation/Priority.

• Force Leap

• Overload Saber

• Zealous Strike

• Cauterize

• Merciless Slash

• Master Strike


• Note: slash/strike combos are great to use (In the place of master strike) to try and reset cauterize if the bleed stacks get behind, or your trying to pop a few more heal over times to help out on high damage fights. The most damage comes from bleeds anyway so long as your waiting to use cauterize only when the initial one wears off (more on this below) your dps will not fall very much.

Notes About ZEN


• IF you notice when you activate Zen you get six critical strikes, and wouldn’t you know it the Rotation has basically six skills. (make sure you can apply the three stacks of overload saber before hitting zen)


• "ZEN" As watchman, you will have the centering stacks for this a lot and should be using it every time you have a 3 stack of overload saber on someone. Of special note is that shii-cho form Zen gives you a good aoe. So if you are in the thick of things with several targets around you, feel free to switch stances to Shii-Cho form and then pop Zen. Just be sure to dump the focus you build up back before going back to your stance of choice. I put my two AOE damage skills on 3&4 and my two stances are shift+3 and shift+4 so it’s really simple to switch for this small transition. (Just thought I would through that out there.)


General Tips & Info

• Basically you have to watch for Cauterize a couple of the watchmen moves have a High Chance to reset the skill and that takes Priority over everything. Just Most Importantly The Current Cauterize Bleed Must be off before you use, never overwrite bleeds it’s the worst thing you can do to the overall performance of the Watchmen, and if you have trouble following that and are just hitting it when it resets...then ignore its reset and count to six every time you hit it.


• Another thing when fighting solo or normal mobs, elites etc…make sure to constantly use Rebuke I hit this as I hit force leap usually.

My Personal Dmg Info

This guide is based on alot of other peoples hard work, combined with what I have seen personally in the game and what I feel are the core mechanics and knowledge any good Sentinel Watchmen needs. So I figured I would give a little info on my personal stats for people to compare and contrast


• Now that we have combat logs I can show some hard core data. Note: This info was collected with the MoxDesktopParser (thanks for this amazing combat log download at: memoriesofxendor.com and and Kuresh for the SCLR combat log reader, the graphs kick *** dude!!!


• DPS and HPS from last Op's Runs

Nightmare Mode Eternity Vault: MOB: SOA AVG DPS:1299.4 HPS:292.04

Story Mode Operation Conflict: MOB: Warlord Kephess AVG DPS: 1295.8 HPS: 309.7

(You can notice in both these fights I try to keep my HPS around 300 never forget about the heal ticks so you can always try and help out, obviously in an Ops it is only effecting the people within my group. What we do to take advantage of this is; set up to where if we are running with only a single sage healer, (the other being a scoundrel or commando) I will be put in the group with the Sage so that my HOT's effect this group as a whole allowing the sage to help out the entire raid as need be. Another set up for ops (this is all taking in to account info from 8 man operations) having the sentinel watchmen (assuming the group only has one) in a dps stacked group. So that the hot's help with the softer armoured classes, and the watchmen buffs are taken advantage of as best as possible.

“Hopefully this helps answer questions and thanks to all that did a lot of the legwork before me. -Devil


Special Thanks To:


(NOTE: As of the writing of this guide these guides below HAVE NOT BEEN UPDATED FOR 1.2 YET SO IGNORE STAT INFO)



The site below has also not been updated for 1.2 but under the sith maurader section (empire watchmen) there is some very good info on accuracy with data.


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