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Merc interupt

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On the Lord P Server we have an player named Lyner that says Mercs have 3 interupts. our 4 sec stun, jet boost, and rocket punch. go talk to him. he also says the merc dps is just fine and need to be toned down again. go talk to him. but then again he says his Heatsigs work just fine and that he gets 5 to 7k crits on his HSM and he said his arrmor pen is working just fine as well on HVGC. I guess his merc was never affected by 1.2 and the next 3 patches and only 99.9% of the other mercs was. <shrugs>
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Lyner is full of it, I'm full rakata with augments & BH implants/ear, and I rarely see above 5k crit HSM using rakata power adrenal. Pre 1.2 sure 5k+ was easy, 7ks semi-rare but possible in full raid buffs. Edited by DarkForster
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