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Allignment (Get Both DS/LS Titles?)

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I maxed Dark Side V at lv 34 (Diplomacy for the win) but my game gets a bit buggy and has for some reason stopped telling me what allignment choices in conversations represent. That being said, I've somehow aquired Light Side points but it's not all bad, i can always just max DS again. What I'm wondering is if I spend the mney and time with Diplomancy and future conversation choices and I get 20000 LS points to reach LS V, will i still keep my DS titles and get the LS ones as well or will I lose the DS titles and ahve them replaced once I pass LS I? Edited by PhaedrusGrey
Changed title to make more clear
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Alrighty. Thanks. Well, that's kinda irritating. Not a fan of having ost a few points but really, I ahve the mnoey to max it out again. I'm currently only about 80 off of being DS V again. WAsn't planning on getting any LS but as long as I get back up there i guess the few ls pts don't really matter that much.
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Did you double check to be sure that you have the option turned on that tells you what happens on your choice (light or dark)?


If it is on, try unchecking it, log off, back in and turn it back on maybe ...


Yeah my game is just plain buggy. The character don't speak in the conversations half the time. Sometimes I pick a LS/DS choice and the screen doesn't light up. I pay attention to my choices but it just so happens that for the last little bit it just stopped showing me what option gives what ls/ds points. No biggy. I was just wondering. Granted, I'd love a title like the "Redeemed" or something from going from DS to LS. Kinda like a WoW Feat of Strength with some of their rep grinds.

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I'm a bit concerned on my intended Light side character. He has 10,000 LS points (primarily from Diplomacy) and 2,342 Dark Side (all from Diplomacy).


So, thats an allignemnt value of 7,657 whish is Lightside level 4. There does not seem to be anyway to aquire more that 10,000 LS points. Questing and Diplomacy no longer add to thaht 10k total. So, by having even a single DS point it no longer appears possible to get the overall allignment to 10k (LS 5).


Does the above make any sense? I feel like choosing Diplomacy has wound up screwing my allignment plans over. Had I known the system maxed at 10k I would never have run any DS Diplomacy missions.

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I'm a bit concerned on my intended Light side character. He has 10,000 LS points (primarily from Diplomacy) and 2,342 Dark Side (all from Diplomacy).


So, thats an allignemnt value of 7,657 whish is Lightside level 4. There does not seem to be anyway to aquire more that 10,000 LS points. Questing and Diplomacy no longer add to thaht 10k total. So, by having even a single DS point it no longer appears possible to get the overall allignment to 10k (LS 5).


Does the above make any sense? I feel like choosing Diplomacy has wound up screwing my allignment plans over. Had I known the system maxed at 10k I would never have run any DS Diplomacy missions.


No... you have it wrong. While you may be maxed out at 10,000 LS points, when you do things that would add LS points, pay attention to your DS points... you will notice that the DS points go DOWN by the same amount you "gained" with LS points. So while your LS count doesn't increase, your DS points decrease, until they eventually reach 0.


I have 2 characters, 1 maxed DS, 1 maxed LS, and this is how it has worked for me when I go gain opposite points.

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I'm a bit concerned on my intended Light side character. He has 10,000 LS points (primarily from Diplomacy) and 2,342 Dark Side (all from Diplomacy).


So, thats an allignemnt value of 7,657 whish is Lightside level 4. There does not seem to be anyway to aquire more that 10,000 LS points. Questing and Diplomacy no longer add to thaht 10k total. So, by having even a single DS point it no longer appears possible to get the overall allignment to 10k (LS 5).


Does the above make any sense? I feel like choosing Diplomacy has wound up screwing my allignment plans over. Had I known the system maxed at 10k I would never have run any DS Diplomacy missions.


When you are at that point of having 10.000 points in one side and still some points in the other, what it does, in your case for example, is not add to the light side, but subtract from the dark side points. To the point that you'll reach DS: 0 and LS 10.000


Edit: well I was too late by a few seconds, shucks. :p

Edited by Ninosai
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I'm a bit concerned on my intended Light side character. He has 10,000 LS points (primarily from Diplomacy) and 2,342 Dark Side (all from Diplomacy).


So, thats an allignemnt value of 7,657 whish is Lightside level 4. There does not seem to be anyway to aquire more that 10,000 LS points. Questing and Diplomacy no longer add to thaht 10k total. So, by having even a single DS point it no longer appears possible to get the overall allignment to 10k (LS 5).


Does the above make any sense? I feel like choosing Diplomacy has wound up screwing my allignment plans over. Had I known the system maxed at 10k I would never have run any DS Diplomacy missions.


You shouldn't gain any more LS points, but gaining LS points should deduct from your DS point total. So, with LS 10000 and DS 2500, if you gain 250 LS points, you should have 10000 LS and 2250 DS.


That is how it is supposed to work anyways, but I have never seen it.

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