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Happy Star Wars Day Everyone!!!! (except for existing players)


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I really dont care if I get something or not, Im just pointing out that bioware are focusing everything on getting new subs instead of keeping existing players happy, on keeping the community together


But wouldn't acquiring more subs, essentially populating the servers more, be a reward in itself for us existing players? You surpass any benefit of this by acting like bioware has no care for current subs. Take a look at things before going haywire on the company. Only good can come out of this.

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i also get annoyed when my phone company has special offers for new ppl that sign up and not existing members, and my cable supplier, and the electric supplier, and my etc etc


special offers for new members are hardly a new thing BW did not think of this just to alienate you


You are going to break the little conspiracy theorists hearts but giving them logic and fact about businesses ...


How can they get their hate on ???@@@@!!!!!



To be honest, any new prospective subber reading these forums would run the opposite direction faster than Dorothy fleeing the wicked witch, than sign up to play lol.


Luckily though, less than 3% of a games sub-base even goes to the forums, many companies have pointed this out over the years

Edited by Balrizangor
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But wouldn't acquiring more subs, essentially populating the servers more, be a reward in itself for us existing players? You surpass any benefit of this by acting like bioware has no care for current subs. Take a look at things before going haywire on the company. Only good can come out of this.


Aquiring new subscribers is 100% easier than keeping current subscribers happy, sad but true story.

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So the content patch a couple of weeks ago wasn't an massive update to the game?


Keep grasping...you might even find some straws.


If you are really that disappointed with the game, then act like a adult, uninstall the game and move on.


Act like an adult on the internet?? Blasphemy!!! This is outright heresy. I vote we put this guy to trial for using magical words. Dark Magic at that. The Magic of witches.

Edited by -Sev
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They reward new players instead of EVERYONE? Why is this? We could have got an item in game in celebration of Star Wars day. Do they only care about new subs?


Oh sorry, You just got 30 days free and a free taun taun pet for literally nothing. If they would have said "In honor of May 4th"... would that have made you feel better?


This isn't even a real holiday, so why expect some kind of event. We didn't get one for xmas, valentines day, or any other holiday, so don't expect to see any for them for a while.. Bioware just had it's first real event recently, and it wasn't that amazing honestly, just spat in the faces of crystal crafters by giving some to people that look 10 times cooler than what is currently craftable.

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Seriously... as was stated, like they didn't give us a free month of play time and a free in game pet, or a content patch that allowed us to play any race/class combination for those who've earned it. I'm getting so sick of entitled gamers who whine about everything. It doesn't matter what Bioware does, everyone is still going to claim they don't care about their players (Which is CLEARLY the best business plan in the world... not to care about your cash influx.)


From what I've seen playing this game, they have been benevolent, major problems are dealt with quickly... and they haven't been afraid to admit when they know something is screwed up and needs work (the GNT) Not to mention the guild summit they hosted to get live feedback from active players (though lets be honest, the GUI section of it was literally a torrent of whining that was painful to watch, save a few comment.)


I think I'll just take this time to thank Bioware. Thank you for giving us this wonderful game and dealing with this constant high pitch whine of people who don't know what they're talking about. You are truly saints of the gaming world.

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The problem I saw with this promotion is that they're using Star Wars day ineffectively.

Ingame title would have solved the unbalance, not hard to do either since they have the system in place to mail title items to players.


Instead of saying "Celebrate May the 4th be with you!" and "enjoy $25 off" they really need to add in something that specify the target audience, such as "Join the SWTOR community now and Celebrate May the 4th be with you with $25 off deals on standard and DD versions on Origin!"


Clarification is needed when it comes to posting stuff like this everywhere, not through fine prints after clicking through the links.


It's the game's first May 4th encounter, and we're not seeing it being used to its maximum potential.


May 4rth is a pop culture reference It has nothing to do with Star Wars. It was made very clear that there would be no pop culture references or real world holidays in SWTOR.


If you cannot deal with it you might need to grow up just a wee bit!

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