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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

<Dev response needed> Lack of Communication


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Someone needs to respond officially and give some sort of update on the current situation and the lack of communication. All I see on the Dev section is minimal stuff regarding things that aren't fixing what needs to be fixed. If we had some patch notes to look at or have some sort of date in mind, that would be something, but we don't have even that. No notes, no response from Devs, no active PTS, what gives? I check the forums a few times a day hoping to see something, but day after day.........NOTHING! :mad: :mad: :mad:


I came to Swtor with atleast 30 friends from a slew of different games, not just to play the latest and greatest, but to play Swtor itself. We all had been very excited and looked foreward to it for years. Our server (Iron Citadel-pvp) has a decent population. When everyone wanted to split during early access and move to a server that didnt have a Q to get in, I said no, lets stay, and thank God we did. Even with our server being better than most we are still feeling the hit of people just simply not logging in anymore.


I can honestly say that we are not going to stick around forever. We already have the new content on Farm for 2 Ops grps and the pvp content is really lacking, not to mention how messed up class balance has been since 1.2.


Take some advice from everyone on this forum and fix the game. If it takes an apology or not, just own up to it and fix it. If you continue to keep people in the dark on key issues, you are just shooting yourself in the foot. I am a diehard fan of Starwars and was a fan of Bioware, but I and most everyone else, that I know, is quickly losing respect. :(

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Hello everyone,


We always appreciate feedback from the Community, especially on issues that you would like to see improvement on. To help keep such discussions as consolidated as possible, and our forums organized, we ask that you share any thoughts you have on Developer Input in this previously existing thread:

Be sure to check out the second post by Associate Online Community Manager Joveth Gonzalez who goes into great detail all the ways that the Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ team is reaching out to the Community. Part of it includes an explanation on why we are often not specific about when certain changes will be implemented:

Of course, our general policy is to not talk in detail about specific features until we are 100% sure that it is on its way. You can imagine what would happen if we gave a specific date, months in advance, only to come up against an unforeseen obstacle that causes us to delay a particular feature. This is why you'll see many replies by us and our developers that simply say "soon".


Additionally, we highly encourage you to send us an email with your questions, concerns, or feedback regarding the Community Team and the forums, since we will be closing our thread. CommunitySupport@swtor.com will put you in touch with one of our Community Coordinators who would be happy to answer your questions as well.


Thank you for understanding.

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