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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Marauders/Sents are not OP


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They are not OP and they won't be NERFED. Tankasins dps is the only thing that needs adjustment. There is really nothing wrong with marauders/sents, and this is coming from a deception/madness assassin who melts like butter against them. Yet i still can beat a marauder 1v1 any day. So i really dont see the issue with them. Maybe the majority of you just suck...please stop filling the pvp forum with this crap because nothing is going to happen.


That is all

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They are not OP and they won't be NERFED. Tankasins dps is the only thing that needs adjustment. There is really nothing wrong with marauders/sents, and this is coming from a deception/madness assassin who melts like butter against them. Yet i still can beat a marauder 1v1 any day. So i really dont see the issue with them. Maybe the majority of you just suck...please stop filling the pvp forum with this crap because nothing is going to happen.


That is all


They are getting nerfed



Bioware doesn't care about numbers. Just QQ


Sorcerers never needed a nerf


Operatives never needed a nerf



It's coming


Stop trying to delay the inevitable nerf

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They are getting nerfed



Bioware doesn't care about numbers. Just QQ


Sorcerers never needed a nerf


Operatives never needed a nerf



It's coming


Stop trying to delay the inevitable nerf


Sorcerers needed their force fixed the healers had a thing where they basically had unlimited mana.

Edited by Darianth
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I'm a Tankasin and I lost a 1on1 to Marauder the other day so clearly they have to be nerfed.


Seriously though I think you first hae to nerf all the WZ consumables. I'm pretty sure that guy used a WZ medpack while I didn't when I lost the 1on1 (because I'm cheap), but I dont' have proof so it could just be that I'm outplayed, or a remote possibility that the class is really that much more powerful. It's simply impossible to draw any meaningful conclusion about class balance if you got someone willing to use WZ medpack/adrenals. I suspect most of my bad losses in quasi 1on1 situation involves a WZ consumable on the enemy side, but it sure looks tempting to just say nerf that guy because they beat me badly.

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They are not OP and they won't be NERFED. Tankasins dps is the only thing that needs adjustment. There is really nothing wrong with marauders/sents, and this is coming from a deception/madness assassin who melts like butter against them. Yet i still can beat a marauder 1v1 any day. So i really dont see the issue with them. Maybe the majority of you just suck...please stop filling the pvp forum with this crap because nothing is going to happen.


That is all


If your prediction is correct, the game will not see a steady flow of new blood, in fact once the current little kids get distracted subs will plummet.

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Sorcerers needed their force fixed the healers had a thing where they basically had unlimited mana.


Sorcerers needed their double dip fixed and consumption yes.



The 2.2 second cast time on infusion was garbage

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I am playing a sent now and am hardly an unstoppable force. Maybe something happens at 50(37 now) but for me it seems like since every other class has a KB and I only have 1 gap closer I am always chasing. Sure if I can get in your face I'm gonna melt it but closing the gap can be tough. And snipers/slingers are the bane of my existence. Pretty much have to camo and sneak up on em.
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I am playing a sent now and am hardly an unstoppable force. Maybe something happens at 50(37 now) but for me it seems like since every other class has a KB and I only have 1 gap closer I am always chasing. Sure if I can get in your face I'm gonna melt it but closing the gap can be tough. And snipers/slingers are the bane of my existence. Pretty much have to camo and sneak up on em.


Your just not 50 yet

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I play a healing op. The best maras on my (heavily populated) server tickle compared to the best pyrotech pts.


If one good pt is on me I have to drop everything and focus on breaking los/cc'ing him. I can shrug off one good mara by snaring him and dispelling his snare while keeping myself hotted (I ALWAYS have two probes on myself anyway), then I'm free to go about my business. I think this is proof there is nothing wrong with mara's/sents.

Edited by khouj
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They are getting nerfed

Operatives never needed a nerf


So you think 3-shotting people was fine?


Sorcerers needed their force fixed the healers had a thing where they basically had unlimited mana.


You know that the loss of health is outhealed by one single HoT? If you play it right, you still have infinite force.


All maras/sents are just skilled. All others players on different class just need to L2P.


No L2P issue, as you can see in the forums, everyone seems to play and know this game perfectly.

You have to see it the other way...Marauder is completely fine...every other class is just too weak!

Edited by iphobia
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So you think 3-shotting people was fine?




You know that the loss of health is outhealed by one single HoT? If you play it right, you still have infinite force.




No L2P issue, as you can see in the forums, everyone seems to play and know this game perfectly.

You have to see it the other way...Marauder is completely fine...every other class is just too weak!


Lemme rephrase on the operative nerf


They needed one. Just not such a drastic nerf

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