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Is the running dungeon scene better at level 50 ?


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I'm at level 47 on my healer, and, well, I simply don't have the patience to wait for more than 30 minutes doing nothing while waiting for groups in fleet (65 to 75 people in my fleet, not too bad I guess), so I took the decision to finish leveling to 50...


But at 50, is this a bit easier to find dungeons ?

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Oh boy....


A healer?


If you were on Jung Ma...

Just saying you were a healer on the fleet: You would have been knocked out / kidnapped. Then drug to someone's personal ship...



And recruited into their guild, to do flashpoints / operations with them until you couldn't take anymore!


Seriously, the whole 'healers suck' stigma hasn't worn off yet and its the only thing slowing down runs on my server.


Jung Ma rules!



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My experience has been that the hardest time to get groups for Flashpoints and Heroics is from 45 onward- I think most people at that point are just nose-to-the-grindstone pushing to hit 50 so they can do Ops, dailies, and Hardmodes. I've got 2 lvl 50s now, and it seemed like I could gain XP faster soloing than I could grouped, especially when you take into account the time necessary just to get a group together. Also, there is a significant difference between level 45-49 gear and lvl 50 gear. Personally, I'd love to do more groups and FPs from 35 onward- I play the game because it's fun, and grouping is part of that. But from what I've observed, people aren't terribly enthusiastic about grouping when that means taking the time to find groups to do Flashpoints and Heroics that reward them with slower XP gain than soloing and reward them with gear that might be an upgrade but that will be replaced the moment they ding 50.
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Upon reflection, my answer is incomplete- yes, it's much easier to find groups at 50 then it is from 40+. Just look at the levels of the people in fleet at a given time- usually 50% or more of them will be lvl 50, with a good proportion of those looking for HM or Ops.
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lol sucks when then sound of crickets if all the answer you needed. it gets better at 50 just dont go around expecting it to be like wow with pugs aplenty unless your on a heavy pop server. Servers in general are small in this game dosent feel like a mmo when you can go an hour or two and not see anybody unless your on fleet or a new quest hub everywhere else is too empty they did too good a job makeing the game convienient to everybody it takes away from the immersion. I never even got the whole theme park thing till i played swtor this game really really is like being at an amusement park right down to the lines i get the concept is like a theme park but the whole world dosent have to persestantly feel like im at a digital 6 flags there needs to be more subtly in the design of the worlds mmo's are fake fantasy settings not roller coster sims.
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I'm at level 47 on my healer, and, well, I simply don't have the patience to wait for more than 30 minutes doing nothing while waiting for groups in fleet (65 to 75 people in my fleet, not too bad I guess), so I took the decision to finish leveling to 50...


But at 50, is this a bit easier to find dungeons ?


If your on "The Fatman", especially during prime time, you should find a group in no time.

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Depends on your server. On mine, a standard population server at prime time, it's not really any better at 50 than it is any other level.


Actually it's pretty awesome from about 9-13 because of all the new characters wanting to do BT/Esseles. But that's about where it ends, too.

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If you play on fatman it will be no prob, if you play o 90% of the other servers it will.


It can take you just as long at lv 50. Being a healer will help but i bet you you will be spending more time saying "LF1M for HM FP need tank"


Fact is for most servers we need Xserver LFG tool otherwise enjoy spending 30mins+ looking for a group.

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