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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Feedback request from James Ohlen - potential future planets


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Kashyyyk and Onderon/Dxun have a lot of great PvE opportunities with the wide variety of hostile beasts, and Yavin IV has a lot of interesting ecology plus the Sith temple. (It would be interesting to add Yavin IV, with the old Sith temple, and Ando Prime, with its old proto-Jedi Dai Bendu temple, at the same time.) Bespin could be interesting, since it’s a gas giant with a flying/floating ecosystem. Ryloth could have some intriguing possibilities with the hostile environment aboveground mirroring conflict underground. The polluted surface of Duro or Balosar could be another interesting hostile environment. Umbara would be a great place for lots of intrigue if your writers want to go to town with convolutions, and it would be interesting to see how a party planet like Zeltros is reacting to the galactic situation. And your artists might have a lot of fun with Christophsis. And rather than Dagobah, if you want a swamp world, why not Nal Hutta?
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So many choices...


I have to say if I only got to nominate one planet, It would be Raxis Prime

Allways loved that world for some bizare reason and It would be great to see it and explore it.


But Im going to cheat and mention a few more worlds I want to see, in the order I would want them.


Taloraan - It would be great to run around on a cloud planet like Bespin. However I think Taloraan would be more appropriate. FIrst of its very similar to Bespin, less known and looks great (atleast thats my opinion from concept art and Rogue Squadron). More importantly it was supposedly meant to make an appearance in Kotor3, meaning someone, somewhere actually has put alot of thought into how it would look, feel and what would be happening there around the time of SWTOR.


Kashyyyk Ah, Wookiees. Who doesnt love Wookiees? Kashyyyk is a highly Iconic planet and the homeworld of one of the most iconic star wars races so It would be a great place to check out. Also really want to see how Bowdaar would react to getting back there.


Manaan Im terrified of deep oceans, but thats left me with something of a fascination for waterworlds, ships and naval warfare. Would be great to see Manaan since it would be such a different world compared to the rest of the ones in SWTOR right now, and it is also one of the more Iconic KOTOR worlds.

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I gues I am in the very small minority here. Kashyyk, Dantooine, Manaan and all the other planets from the KOTOR games are way too obvious. Someone earlier said Hapes and I would love that. The planet I would love to see and that I am surprised nobody else has mentioned is Iridonia. Why not give us the Zabrak homeworld? We have NEVER seen that before. Lets get a new planet that has not been explored before?


This. You guys should focus on planets we haven't seen before. Kashyyyk and Dantooine are fine and all, but we've been there in every game! Give us something NEW!


My vote is Kessel.

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Would absolutely SO love to see Naboo from this time period, or even Dantooine. Night sisters, Faambas... Something we KNOW and so desperately would like to get a chance to visit. Not more freshly made up planets, or off kilter planets.
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Kashykk and Naboo


Also, regarding future planets. You guys should seriously look into some dynamic events and/or public quests. Give us quests that drive community. More open world, public quests...no more instancing and guided hallways! Give us a world to explore with these new planets.


We need more Star Wars moments in our new planets.

Edited by Berezo
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Geonosis! :D It's mentioned a few times in exsisting quests (I think, cant really confirm at this time), I think the planet would be really interesting place to visit and level at, full of Geonosians, maybe blow up a few droid factories!
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I want to see Naboo! Not only a gorgeous world to look at, but I totally want the Gungans at a stage of development where they're at war with the humans. I mean who DOESN'T want to melt jar-jar with sith lightning?


Let's go kill us some Gungans!


That or Endor.


But not Dantooine, too remote... and nothing there, not so much as a single rebel base. If I wanted to visit somewhere like Dantooine I'd visit freikin Aldearaan, nothing bad ever happens there...

Edited by ArmaniD
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