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Marad/sent is a cakewalk.


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All this qq about marauders and sents and I really just don't understand it. I never lose to a marauder on my gunslinger unless they start hitting me when my health is under 50%( with them at full health). I mean it's so simple taking them out. CC snare knockback are literally the direct counter to them. It's not that hard.


I play a sent( been playing before 1.2) but personally I think the gunslinger is more viable in a pvp match any day of the week. There is nothing like leg shotting a guy about to score in huttball then using dirty kick. He/she is dead in 7 seconds and my team has the ball. What will a sent do? Leap for a 2 sec stun then force choke for little damage? Yea I think anybody can see which is better.

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There is nothing like leg shotting a guy about to score in huttball then using dirty kick.
Nope. Quickdraw-killing the carrier from 40m away is the most fun. No one around! I'm gonna score! *Splat*. :D Edited by flem
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Nope. Quickdraw-killing the carrier from 40m away is the most fun. No one around! I'm gonna score! *Splat*. :D


Lol that's always a good one too.


Yea they are definitely overlooked bad. I play ss spec and its funny because I always top the dps charts and still nobody notices us. Not to mention I consistently have over 10 medals per match.

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I can't see how people can enjoy the cover system. It is so bad.


Also, anyone with a pull, snare, or knockback will dominate Huttball regardless.


Well whenever you have a knockback and snare along with two CCs and another snare... You can see where I'm going.

Cover system means instant charged burst and anti jump

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As a Marauder I can say the only class that really gives me grief if played right are Smugglers and Agents, both AC's for different reasons, one is just annoying and the other makes me feel the pain. However, with that said, most people don't play them right I have discovered. Thanks to the really good players, I can take apart less players that dont know their class and/or panic when I get to them... Honestly, i have seen more run and panic now, I guess that the fear mystic from the forums how everyone is pwnt by mara/sents.
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Well I'll tell ya as a Sage healer, marksmen snipers do not worry me but Marauders most certainly do. If I dont have to heal anyone and I have the time to fool around I'll sit and kill a sniper solo by LOSing him and strafe spamming my instas. If he chases I run him around objects again spamming my instas. The guy could be the god of snipers heralded on every website the world around.. he still dies in the end. Can not say the same of Maruaders as even noob ones are very dangerous to dance with.


Believe it or not I think I've died to one Sniper solo in the past 4 1/2 months and the guy definatly was Lethality, a spec it seems most Snipers do not take.

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Yeah Sorc is strong against sniper., sniper strong against marauder, marauder strong against sorc.


Which leads me forecast the next flair of endless threads about a class being OP, will be about Snipers and Gunslingers.


Which more than likely will be the same people QQ'ing now.

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Well I'll tell ya as a Sage healer, marksmen snipers do not worry me but Marauders most certainly do. If I dont have to heal anyone and I have the time to fool around I'll sit and kill a sniper solo by LOSing him and strafe spamming my instas. If he chases I run him around objects again spamming my instas. The guy could be the god of snipers heralded on every website the world around.. he still dies in the end. Can not say the same of Maruaders as even noob ones are very dangerous to dance with.


Believe it or not I think I've died to one Sniper solo in the past 4 1/2 months and the guy definatly was Lethality, a spec it seems most Snipers do not take.


Mostly this. Slingers are good (just as any ranged class) because vast majority of players in SWTOR are terribads.

Any competent melee tears any ranged apart, QQing about ranged is just proof of skill level in SWTOR (and buff to marauders/sentinels).

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the one class i really hate is gunslinger on my mara


if you know what you're doing you can destroy a marauder/sent unless they have all of their CDs, adrenal, relic available to them, in addition to a wall that will prevent them from getting KB'd too far

Edited by HBninjaX
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If you knock me back and root me, I pop invisibility. There goes your free damage safety. When I get in melee range - obfuscate -90% accuracy on you while I unload on you all the while having my 2 defensive cooldown on that reduce damage and if it gets rough - undying rage. Snipers arent that much of a counter. A DoT sage is worse who knows how to stay out of melee range.
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If you knock me back and root me, I pop invisibility. There goes your free damage safety. When I get in melee range - obfuscate -90% accuracy on you while I unload on you all the while having my 2 defensive cooldown on that reduce damage and if it gets rough - undying rage. Snipers arent that much of a counter. A DoT sage is worse who knows how to stay out of melee range.


Let's see. My knockback has its own root so you waste your invisibility il flash you and reposition and then you have to run ~30yds to get to me the whole time I'm hitting you with charged burst aimed shot etc then you. Get about 10 yes away I leg shot you then it's GO. If you use undying rage ok I'll just kick you in the balls and wait it out.


And how are you suppose to use obfuscate if you can't get close enough to use it?

Edited by Darianth
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Let's see. My knockback has its own root so you waste your invisibility il flash you and reposition and then you have to run ~30yds to get to me the whole time I'm hitting you with charged burst aimed shot etc then you. Get about 10 yes away I leg shot you then it's GO. If you use undying rage ok I'll just kick you in the balls and wait it out.


Full resolve bar says - NO!

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And how are you suppose to use obfuscate if you can't get close enough to use it?


Actually... depends on what tree you specc in to, you can talent in to making Obfuscate ranged... I think its 10m, my Carnage Mara has it... I cant log to check it, on calls at work.

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Full resolve bar says - NO!


Snares and Roots do not fill resolve... I have gone against many snipers and gunslingers and unless your resolve bar is full from another fight... that empty resolve bar dont mean squat to them...

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Full resolve bar says - NO!


It's also called managing my snares and ccs im not sitting there trying to waste all of them in one go I space them out which means your resolve is dropping giving me enough time to do damage then use another cc or snare preventing you from doing anything.


Let's say you do get on me. I have a move that allows me to dodge almost all of your attacks for 3 seconds. Which is enough to get a 4k aimed shot off.

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Why suddently OP felt the urge to come at forums and try defend mara/sent with risking nerfs for his class? (snipers/gunslingers) So weird...


Translation of real OP's post :

Dear Bioware,

Plz dont nerf my mara/sent plz plz.

I keep losing by snipers/gunslingers and i feel mara is underpowered.

But if i post it like that, ppl here will tell me L2P NOOB.

So i present myself as a sniper, that kills easily maras, in order to prevent my real class (mara) for getting nerfed.

Especialy if ppl believe my lies about killing maras with me at 50% health, they ll probably think about nerfing snipers, he he he.

Edited by unicornfive
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Slingers are undervalued.

Mostly because Sawbones are so... OMG so...


Sorry to all the posters that came after this guy, but I gave up on this thread and stopped reading after I saw "sawbones slingers".

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