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DPS For marauder?

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the best tree is Anhilation, hands down...


I would say Carnage has the most single target burst DPS and Rage has the most multiple target DPS...


I play carnage FYI...


and nothing really matters how you level to 50...

Edited by Blloodbane
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Most of Annihilation's important abilities are very ineffective on weak/standard mob packs you run into often during leveling, but the bleed works wonders on elites/champions. You may find leveling as Annihilation to be slower than Carnage, but you will also find that you are less squishy and will have an easier time soloing Heroic quests.


If you plan on DPSing as Annihilation at 50, then you might as well level as one so that you become familiar with the abilities and play-style.

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