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Keybound comms


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With all that is broken and wrong this is in no way high priority but it would be very simple to add and could greatly improve PvP.


How many times have you left someone to guard a node, fought the good fight in mid, capped it then seen the other node lost with no call in /ops ?


It happens a lot, a late call, no call. Some people are bad at it, some get 'stunned' and for some reason cant type, sometimes it just happens.


Put some keybinds in for simple /ops calls "help incoming at left" etc, make it pick out the right node name automatically.


I know a lot of us can do this, if we wanted to, with simple keyboard/mouse macro's but its the little things that can help everyone in game that make a difference

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Yeah this would be nice. I know in the BF games you could hit Q i believe to call for help, ammo, health all that jazz granted it was a FPS with 64 man maps but still.


First thing I do when I get to a node is type it out in ops INC WEST/EAST/SNOW/GRASS w/e it may be. That way when I see something I can just hit enter can move on to defending.


Of course when I am in vent I just kindly ask.

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Anyone who thinks it's difficult to type: help west, help east, inc x 2, etc....shouldn't be left defending a node solo.


In that case, you should be asking peeps before they are left guarding a node, if they're capable of typing for help via Ops chat if under attack/stun'd/etc.


Sry, just my opinion.

Edited by Pistols
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Anyone who thinks it's difficult to type: help west, help east, inc x 2, etc....shouldn't be left defending a node solo.


In that case, you should be asking peeps before they are left guarding a node, if they're capable of asking for help via Ops chat if under attack/stun'd/etc.


Sry, just my opinion.


You would be surprised on how difficult this is. Leave a guy at a point ask "hey you got this?" they respond "yes" I leave a few minutes later as I see the same guy getting killed he goes..."3 at east"...


8 man queues will solve this.

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Anyone who thinks it's difficult to type: help west, help east, inc x 2, etc....shouldn't be left defending a node solo.


In that case, you should be asking peeps before they are left guarding a node, if they're capable of typing for help via Ops chat if under attack/stun'd/etc.


Sry, just my opinion.


not going to disagree with you but it happens and anything that might help MrICanttypeToSavemyLife is worth having :)

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