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So what's with Yoda?


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Yoda's species is about 1/2 the size of Jawas.


Yoda's species can be made playable. The only thing that can't be explained is the origins of the species


Meh, I've seen the logic for Yoda's species being made playable and I think it's just wishful thinking and trying to exploit a possible loophole to justify them. Something to do with our characters not being canon so therefore we could have Yoda species,Wookiee Jedi etc and it wouldn't count towards GL's rules about Yoda's species and no more Force using Wookiees.


I don't buy it frankly, if GL killed a whole trading card set that showed a species worshiping a statue led be a guy that is implied to be Yoda because it expanded upon possible Yoda info and LA has an active policy of discouraging their licensees from using the Yoda species; I doubt he's going to let BW put the Yoda species in game as playable. I don't even think LC would buy the justification for Yoda species or more Force using Wookiees and would quickly quash it for GL.

Edited by Temeluchus
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Think about the character customization for a second.


One body type.


Wrinkles, a few less wrinkles, MAJOR FOREHEAD wrinkles.


White/Brown/Gray hair.


Number of toes you want.


And color for nail polish. (Because if you WERE NOT planning on RP'ing Yoda, that's about the only way you will look different)


I compare adding Yoda's race as WoW's idea of adding Pandas as a race.


Basically, a joke.

Edited by DeutschGamer
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All these responses, seems GL should relinquish his creative rights over star wars since most people seem to think he's doing a terrible job with the franchise, ala, PT. It'd be amazing to play as one of Yoda's species, and it'd also be amazing for the shroud of mystery surrounding this species to just be unveiled so people can stop wondering. I don't see why he's kept Yoda's race name and everything else a secret, it's clear that there'd be more of his race. Seems weird.
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All these responses, seems GL should relinquish his creative rights over star wars since most people seem to think he's doing a terrible job with the franchise, ala, PT. It'd be amazing to play as one of Yoda's species, and it'd also be amazing for the shroud of mystery surrounding this species to just be unveiled so people can stop wondering. I don't see why he's kept Yoda's race name and everything else a secret, it's clear that there'd be more of his race. Seems weird.


If GL gave creative control to the fans, every romance would consist of an emotionless cardboard cut out of a girl being fought over by an idiot pretty boy who is metrosexual to the point of being fully homosexual and a mentally unbalance average looking guy who happens to be in the friend zone with the chick, all action sequences would be mindless explosions featuring characters that have been altered to be hollow shells of their iconic image by claiming that everyone is a robot or alien, and the comedic undertones would be nothing but fart jokes and cutaway gags with homicidal babies and talking dogs.

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All these responses, seems GL should relinquish his creative rights over star wars since most people seem to think he's doing a terrible job with the franchise, ala, PT. It'd be amazing to play as one of Yoda's species, and it'd also be amazing for the shroud of mystery surrounding this species to just be unveiled so people can stop wondering. I don't see why he's kept Yoda's race name and everything else a secret, it's clear that there'd be more of his race. Seems weird.


No offense, but what kind of idiot would give up the creative and residual rights to a multi million dollar a year IP that they created and have every right to do whatever they wish with?

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I don't see why he's kept Yoda's race name and everything else a secret, it's clear that there'd be more of his race.


Because things like that lead to people buying more books, having more discussions, looking up more info, ect... In short keeping people thinking about it, which means more money for him.

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The reason Lucas won't release Yoda species has nothing to do with him trying to make the character more of a mystery. The reason that Lucas keeps certain aspects of Star Wars (such as Yoda and his species) carefully guarded and won't let any one touch them is because he wants to be the one to explore those aspects of those characters if he choose to.


A few years after EP 3 there were talks that Lucas and Spielberg were going to make another star wars trilogy and Lucas was seriously considering it. He said if he did it would revolve around Yoda when he was much younger. Nothing came of it but there is that chance he might want to do something down the road. So he leaves himself content to work with.


Also Lucas has made sure no one can ever snag up the rights to Star Wars. When he dies it will stay in the hands of the company that he built. I am glad he did to because if you guys think EP 1-3 are bad (which I am not one of those I love them) it will be far worse if it ends up in some one else hands. Knowing Hollywood they would try and remake all the movies or do something really stupid.


For all the complain that fans do over the changes that Lucas makes Lucas has been really good to the fans by allowing Books, Video games, Comics to expand the Star Wars Universe even though it's not his vision of Star Wars.


In all honesty Lucas could have gone on to be come a big time director like Spielberg. However to make sure that Star Wars wasn't taken and fubared he became the very thing he did not want to become. He sacrificed his film career to insure that Star Wars would never be remade or taken and ruined by remakes and just sequels just to make sequels.


Any way back to topic at hand at the end of the day Yoda species is a mystery because Lucas wants to keep it that way in case he choose to make more movies. I don't think we seen the last of a Star Wars movies. I believe at some point Lucas will do more but not for a good long while. Though if he does do movies it will probably disregard the books, comics and video games. However only time will tell.

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The reason Lucas won't release Yoda species has nothing to do with him trying to make the character more of a mystery. The reason that Lucas keeps certain aspects of Star Wars (such as Yoda and his species) carefully guarded and won't let any one touch them is because he wants to be the one to explore those aspects of those characters if he choose to.


A few years after EP 3 there were talks that Lucas and Spielberg were going to make another star wars trilogy and Lucas was seriously considering it. He said if he did it would revolve around Yoda when he was much younger. Nothing came of it but there is that chance he might want to do something down the road. So he leaves himself content to work with.


Also Lucas has made sure no one can ever snag up the rights to Star Wars. When he dies it will stay in the hands of the company that he built. I am glad he did to because if you guys think EP 1-3 are bad (which I am not one of those I love them) it will be far worse if it ends up in some one else hands. Knowing Hollywood they would try and remake all the movies or do something really stupid.


For all the complain that fans do over the changes that Lucas makes Lucas has been really good to the fans by allowing Books, Video games, Comics to expand the Star Wars Universe even though it's not his vision of Star Wars.


In all honesty Lucas could have gone on to be come a big time director like Spielberg. However to make sure that Star Wars wasn't taken and fubared he became the very thing he did not want to become. He sacrificed his film career to insure that Star Wars would never be remade or taken and ruined by remakes and just sequels just to make sequels.


Any way back to topic at hand at the end of the day Yoda species is a mystery because Lucas wants to keep it that way in case he choose to make more movies. I don't think we seen the last of a Star Wars movies. I believe at some point Lucas will do more but not for a good long while. Though if he does do movies it will probably disregard the books, comics and video games. However only time will tell.


GL did indeed have his will structured to have Lucas Arts in control of the IP after his death, but unless he has a supremely crafty lawyer or the copyright/IP laws have changed, 70 years after his death the SWU IP becomes fair game. So remakes or another trilogy aren't totally out of the question.

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GL did indeed have his will structured to have Lucas Arts in control of the IP after his death, but unless he has a supremely crafty lawyer or the copyright/IP laws have changed, 70 years after his death the SWU IP becomes fair game. So remakes or another trilogy aren't totally out of the question.


Nah that is never going to happen. Pretty much anything(there are some exceptions) made after Steamboat Willie will forever be copyrighted and outside of the public domain because Disney will buy however many congressmen it takes to make sure that copyright term is extended whenever Steamboat Willie is even close to falling out of copyright.

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  • 2 months later...
Here is another obervation. Just like the Sith, the Jedi supposedly had their own race long ago ((called the Jedai I think)) who taught their artform to the universe but are now supposedly extinct. What if Yoda and his people are pretty much surviving Jedai. I mean think about it...since when do we see Yoda's species in any other role but Jedi. Have you ever seen any as smugglers, troopers...or Sith? I suppose anything is possible if I really dig through Wookieepedia. After all Hutts are supposed to be completely force insensitive but there was Bendorion.
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Here is another obervation. Just like the Sith, the Jedi supposedly had their own race long ago ((called the Jedai I think)) who taught their artform to the universe but are now supposedly extinct. What if Yoda and his people are pretty much surviving Jedai. I mean think about it...since when do we see Yoda's species in any other role but Jedi. Have you ever seen any as smugglers, troopers...or Sith? I suppose anything is possible if I really dig through Wookieepedia. After all Hutts are supposed to be completely force insensitive but there was Bendorion.


I checked. There was never a Jedi/Jedai species, the Jedi Order was the original name, not based off of any race. The Force was discovered by a collection of scholars on Tython.

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Great OP been thinking about Yodas species since reading the Dawn of the Jedi comics and the 1st issue tells us about how the 1st force users got taken to Tython long before Hyper space tech came along this is called The First Migration.


anyway nine Tho Yor Pyramid Ship basicly went to different plants picked up every race we know (including sith pure bloods) and they formed the Je'dall later known as Jedi there is one race missing Yodas race combined that with the fact that we don't know who made the Tho Yor Pyramids ships we could guess that maybe Yodas race made them.


but that would just open up more questions about Yodas race lol


here is a link to info on the ships http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Tho_Yor


also what if Yoda is named after his race :p



PS as for AhsokaTanorules 3 post up you got that a bit wrong like i said the Je'dall are not a race there the origins of the jedi order made up of many races and they have a very different code and believe in keeping balance in the force so no one can lean more to light or dark side the keep Neutral or Grey if you like in the book Revan he starts to see things a bit like this too.

just for kicks here's there code.


There is no ignorance; there is knowledge.

There is no fear; there is power.

I am the heart of the Force.

I am the revealing fire of light.

I am the mystery of darkness

In balance with chaos and harmony,

Immortal in the Force.

Edited by Genuine
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yoda lived to be about 900 + years SWTOR is set 3000 years in the past so yodas parents or at least his grandfather should be roaming around,and if jawas work as comps why cant yodas races show up. devs get to work please lol:
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To be honest, Yodas race is one of the few mysteries SW lore kept for itself, and it's good that way. While the Expanded Universe is all nice and dandy, it also took many liberties which altered SW to a point that it created a heavy rift between what was in its original concept, and what is now. You just have to take a look at the first trilogy, and now at SWTOR to see just how much was altered, ammended and modified to hit with the new hipsters. There's not many things left for the oldschool sw fans, but I think that Yodas race is one of the few secrets we should be allowed to keep.
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The reason we will never see a Yoda race playable is because Lucas won't allow it. And I know why. Lucas doesn't know the specifics of a Yoda race. Now if that is true he could let someone design the specifics of a Yoda race, but I think Lucas feels something sentimental for Yoda. Yoda is the first unique main character we come across and I think Lucas feels that if anything should be told about Yoda or his species, it should be him that does it.


As for playing as a Yoda: I'm not opposed to the idea. I think it would be cool. It would take a lot of work to make it happen though.

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the origins of the jedi order made up of many races and they have a very different code and believe in keeping balance in the force so no one can lean more to light or dark side the keep Neutral or Grey if you like in the book Revan he starts to see things a bit like this too.


No. The dark side came after the original exploration of the force. Balance in the force was a philosophy from a different era that refers to clearing the dark force shrouds that are created by dark force rituals. The dark side is a means to an end, and it brings imbalance to the force.


It's not a shallow definition of the word balance. Meaning half left half right. Balance from a philosophical view means something returning to normal. Sure there is a duality of evil, and good, except that is a different concept altogether.


That's also why Revan could not defeat the emperor. He was flawed.


On topic: Bringing Yoda's species as a playable character is as bad as having a Ewok in this era.

Edited by EnsignSorrow
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No. The dark side came after the original exploration of the force. Balance in the force was a philosophy from a different era that refers to clearing the dark force shrouds that are created by dark force rituals. The dark side is a means to an end, and it brings imbalance to the force.


It's not a shallow definition of the word balance. Meaning half left half right. Balance from a philosophical view means something returning to normal. Sure there is a duality of evil, and good, except that is a different concept altogether.


That's also why Revan could not defeat the emperor. He was flawed.


On topic: Bringing Yoda's species as a playable character is as bad as having a Ewok in this era.


i understand what your saying and its got some truth to it not sure if you have read the Dawn of The Jedi comics but Issue0 is just a book off information and if u don't like comics its worth reading just that one. but they do believe in being more balanced like i said and technically it is the old republic era just the start of it i know star wars wiki puts it in before the republic era time line tho but in the comics it does say old republic era.


i agree with bringing Yoda's species as a playable character will be bad but some more info on them would be good just not sure it will ever come

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