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How to be effective as a Medic in wzs'

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Hello all , Ive been playing as a medic in wzs alot lately and I'm having a blast. I'm currently lvl 39 and I thought I will share a few advices on being an effective healer.


1. At the start of a wz , always announce your role and where you will be focusing your efforts at.

Like " I'm heals and ill be going to middle or south node, " etc

People will notice that and stick by you.

2. Find yourself a tank and let them know you got their back and ask them to watch out for you


3. Get your charges up to 30 and use it and apply a kolto bomb for the 5% damage reduction barrier buffalo on

others. Do it every time asap.


4. For dealing with opposing team classes that have intrupt moves, you will need to master fake casting charged

bolts or pulse canon to trick them into thinking its a heal ability. That will give you 8 second.to get your heals

off easily.


5. If you know youre gonna be swarmed and dead soon. Dont waste time healing yourself, focus on getting

heals off on other team mates and die quickly so you can respwan fast to get back in the fray.


6. Try to have the high ground to your advantage. It helps with your area awareness.


This is a good tactics for me that help me contribute to the wzs and I'm generally 3 for 4 in wins

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Pretty basic stuff for pre 50s WZ for new peeps. At 50 its a whole different game. But nevertheless good pointers.


Just wanna point out #5, use charged bolts only for fake casts, not pulse cannon or full auto because those consume ammo at start while charged bolt ammo is used up after release, huge difference since our ammo efficiency is totally screwed now.


Another thing, fake casts pretty much doesnt help us well compared to say Scoundrels. As my Marauder friend told me, "when i home in on those freefrags, i always save interrupts/stuns for when i see Green Icon skills being casted". Its really easy to choose which skill to interrupt unless you're color blind.

Edited by ImariKurumi
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I agree with #5, except I'd take it too its logical conclusion:


5) If you zone in to a WZ as a CM, expect to die/be interrupted/cc'd into oblivion. Better to not Q, save that spot for another class and do your would be team a real favor.

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