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BT General (Possible Spoiler)


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Why does capturing "The General" in Black Talon reward light side points? I thought prisoners of the Empire are treated harshly without remorse... It seems more logical to have the options reverse, Mercy killing (hes already wounded pretty bad) rewards light side while Capturing rewards dark side.
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Yeeee-aaah... I didn't get this particular light-dark reward either on this one. It could just be "I spared his life and that's a good thing because I don't know for sure that he's going to be in for a short life of torture etc" vs "Roar! I R EVIL! KILL!" response.


It didn't make much sense to me either way.

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The mission that makes me wonder if Bioware have some of the LS/DS options mixed up is on Korriban.


You are asked by a Sith Lord to go and acquire the brain of some mutated creature he is using for experiments. The DS outcome to the mission is you do what he asks. The LS outcome is that you help his apprentice betray him.


I'd have thought helping an apprentice betray their master would be a typical Sith thing to do, therefore that would be the DS option.

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I'd say the points come more from the fact that you didn't take the DS choice to kill an unarmed person who really is unable to resist than from your decision to hand him over to the Empire. *shrug*


The mission that makes me wonder if Bioware have some of the LS/DS options mixed up is on Korriban.


You are asked by a Sith Lord to go and acquire the brain of some mutated creature he is using for experiments. The DS outcome to the mission is you do what he asks. The LS outcome is that you help his apprentice betray him.


I'd have thought helping an apprentice betray their master would be a typical Sith thing to do, therefore that would be the DS option.


The reasoning on this one is that by helping the apprentice betray the master, you are also saving countless wild animals from being experimented on and killed in pointless experiments. So the decision comes down more to animal rights than anything else.....yes it is a little weird for an an animals' rights decision on Korriban but what are you going to do. *shrug*

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Why does capturing "The General" in Black Talon reward light side points? I thought prisoners of the Empire are treated harshly without remorse... It seems more logical to have the options reverse, Mercy killing (hes already wounded pretty bad) rewards light side while Capturing rewards dark side.


Oh, just wait 'til you play Agent...


LS rewards you for never doing the killing yourself, even when an execution or, worse, long imprisonment with guaranteed torture and no hope of escape is the alternative.




NPC: Behold, you've brought this traitor in! He will die!

DS Player: Here, I'll do it. (+50 DS)

LS Player: Okay, just let me leave the room first. (+50 LS)



NPC: Behold, you've brought this traitor in! Good thing she gave us the information we need. Now our supervisors want to torture her for anything else she may be hiding.

LS Player: Sure! Have at it. (+50 LS)

DS Player: What the heck is wrong with...I'm ending this. (+50 DS)


A mercy killing is never LS in this galaxy, at least not that I've seen.

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Well, the General does say that the worst-case if he's captured is to be tortured and executed, while the best case is simply a life scentence (albeit in an Imperial Prison). The LS/DS decision probably has more to do with, as someone already said, killing an unarmed person versus doing the "proper" thing and capturing them. It's a Pro-Empire choice versus pointless creulty.
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I'd say the points come more from the fact that you didn't take the DS choice to kill an unarmed person who really is unable to resist than from your decision to hand him over to the Empire. *shrug*




The reasoning on this one is that by helping the apprentice betray the master, you are also saving countless wild animals from being experimented on and killed in pointless experiments. So the decision comes down more to animal rights than anything else.....yes it is a little weird for an an animals' rights decision on Korriban but what are you going to do. *shrug*


Sup, Ranadiel.


Actually, the reasoning behind the LS/DS options for this quest is Lord Renning is working on a theory that the brain holds a crucial part in the connection to the Dark Side of the Force and all his research depends on attaining the brain.


Turning it into Renning advances his research and gives you DS points and allows you to betray his apprentice,Malora. The Dark Council sees the value of his theory and asks him to expand his research. Turning the brain into Malora, allows her to tamper with/destroy the brain, thus discrediting his research and not allowing his theory to be advanced which is a gain for the LS.


I guess saving other animals from being experimented on is a added outcome from the quest but it is decidely about Renning's research.

Edited by Temeluchus
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Sup, Ranadiel.


Actually, the reasoning behind the LS/DS options for this quest is Lord Renning is working on a theory that the brain holds a crucial part in the connection to the Dark Side of the Force and all his research depends on attaining the brain.


Turning it into Renning advances his research and gives you DS points and allows you to betray his apprentice,Malora. The Dark Council sees the value of his theory and asks him to expand his research. Turning the brain into Malora, allows her to tamper with/destroy the brain, thus discrediting his research and not allowing his theory to be advanced which is a gain for the LS.


I guess saving other animals from being experimented on is a added outcome from the quest but it is decidely about Renning's research.


Lets not forget its dark side research your helping with since tu kata were mutated with sith alchemy by the old sith.

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Sup, Ranadiel.


Actually, the reasoning behind the LS/DS options for this quest is Lord Renning is working on a theory that the brain holds a crucial part in the connection to the Dark Side of the Force and all his research depends on attaining the brain.


Turning it into Renning advances his research and gives you DS points and allows you to betray his apprentice,Malora. The Dark Council sees the value of his theory and asks him to expand his research. Turning the brain into Malora, allows her to tamper with/destroy the brain, thus discrediting his research and not allowing his theory to be advanced which is a gain for the LS.


I guess saving other animals from being experimented on is a added outcome from the quest but it is decidely about Renning's research.


DS points for advancing his theories requires you to assume that he is right. I tend to agree with the apprentice that he is just a crazy guy torturing those hound things, that I forgot the name of, because he had a crazy idea that they are pure manifestations of the dark side.

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Why does capturing "The General" in Black Talon reward light side points? I thought prisoners of the Empire are treated harshly without remorse... It seems more logical to have the options reverse, Mercy killing (hes already wounded pretty bad) rewards light side while Capturing rewards dark side.


wait until you see the last boss for bounty hunter quest on nar shadda lol.

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My favorite has to be from Belsavis Act 3 inquisitor, so additional spoilers



You come across the mother machine, a sentient Rakata device that... ugh it gets weird. Let's just say it goes 'hey, you should unplug me from direct control so I can murder the hell out of all the remaining Rakata to save my children from their influence.'


DS +100: Okay

LS +100: I'm going to use the keycard into brainwashing you into obeying me.

LS +100: no, and I'm a boring person for picking this option because I hate fun dialog



It should be noted that the Inquisitor seems to be the Deadpool of the ToR characters.

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My favorite has to be from Belsavis Act 3 inquisitor, so additional spoilers



You come across the mother machine, a sentient Rakata device that... ugh it gets weird. Let's just say it goes 'hey, you should unplug me from direct control so I can murder the hell out of all the remaining Rakata to save my children from their influence.'


DS +100: Okay

LS +100: I'm going to use the keycard into brainwashing you into obeying me.

LS +100: no, and I'm a boring person for picking this option because I hate fun dialog



It should be noted that the Inquisitor seems to be the Deadpool of the ToR characters.


That sounds like the Rachni mission in Mass Effect 3!

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That sounds like the Rachni mission in Mass Effect 3!


If this part of act 3 were anything close to 'sane', I might be more inclined to agree with you. Belsavis is weird. It makes *Voss* with its peyote visions seem like normality.

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