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Annihilation PVP Guide


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Hi @ all,


I have a question about Anni and Rage Marauders in pvp.


I really like Anni Maras. I like the playstyle and so on. But a lot of people I play with, say I should specc into Rage. It makes more damage and it's overall a better pvp specc.


So, what do you professional maras say?


A lot of people on my server tell me the same thing.


Rage relies on a huge crit from force smash. I recently dueled a guildy marauder specced rage, and after obfuscating him and getting my defensive buffs up (plus the 30% aoe mitigation in the carnage tree) he hit me for almost nothing. After mitigating his main damage dealer, it was pretty easy to wipe him out. I also beat him for damage overall but I'm not sure if that one warzone is very reflective.

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Thank you very much for your responses!


I have the same feeling about the survivability and single player damage as an anni mara. The crits in rage are nice, yes - but survivability and single damage are way more useful.


I am happy that I am not alone with my opinion.

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Hi @ all,


I have a question about Anni and Rage Marauders in pvp.


I really like Anni Maras. I like the playstyle and so on. But a lot of people I play with, say I should specc into Rage. It makes more damage and it's overall a better pvp specc.


So, what do you professional maras say?


Imo, Rage in 1.2 is dead.

5k smash crit is beautiful, but the high rage cost and high cooldowns killed this build.

Before 1.2 I was Rage Marauder, I went from lvl 45(valor) to lvl 75 with Rage.

I know all the Rage mechanics and I can say this.


I respecced to Carnage, learned all the mechanics, high numbers in short time. Berserker + Gore + spam massacre + force scream = full of win. Roots are very useful in PVP, 15% more movement speed too.

But Carnage you cannot be interrupted otherwise your rotation is going to abism.


Annihilation is my build now, bleeds + heals, low rage cost, chances to reset rupture cooldown, 1 meter force charge, 6 secs on Force Camouflage, 6 secs interrupt.

In PVP, anni makes me survive much longer with high damage and possibilities.


A hint for you, every opportunity you have use Obfuscate.


Sorry for bad english, i'm learning.

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But Carnage you cannot be interrupted otherwise your rotation is going to abism.


I leveled with carnage but for that single fact i respecced to anni at 50. Gore is nice but if for some reason you cant hit ravage+force scream during the armor buff then it's pretty much worthless. Anni has much more utility imo

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I'd say they are wrong. Rage spec CAN do more damage, but then again, so can Carnage. It all depends on the situation. As far as being useful, these days I'd put Rage 3rd on the list as the "best" PVP tree. Annihilation is still #1, in my opinion, due to the survivability and overall DPS. I'd put Carnage at #2 simply because of Unbound. Rage still remains a 1-trick pony. It's fun to Smash folks and do big damage on multiple people, but that is what you HAVE to do for the spec to be useful. Try defending/taking a node one-on-one as Rage vs. Annihilation and you'll find that the single-target damage and baby heals in Annihilation are tough to ignore.


This for the most part. Rage and Carnage are viable if you play them right, but I think Annihilation is still the superior spec.

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  • 3 weeks later...


Hi JT - I have a question about your Skilltree:

Why didn't you take "Blurred Speed"? I thought to put the points of "Phantom" into "Blurred Speed". Do I miss something special? Or is that based on personal preference? (e.g. Blurred Speed is not so good compared to Phantom or something else?) Could you tell me what you think about this kind of spec?


In my opinion it could be better to have a reduced CD on the jump instead of more speed and longer invis duration. But I am not sure. So I would hear your opinion 'bout this question :)

Edited by Draxxar
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Hi JT - I have a question about your Skilltree:

Why didn't you take "Blurred Speed"? I thought to put the points of "Phantom" into "Blurred Speed". Do I miss something special? Or is that based on personal preference? (e.g. Blurred Speed is not so good compared to Phantom or something else?) Could you tell me what you think about this kind of spec?


In my opinion it could be better to have a reduced CD on the jump instead of more speed and longer invis duration. But I am not sure. So I would hear your opinion 'bout this question :)


Yes you are definitely right, the guy gets rage out of charge, but doesnt get charge cd? Charge cd is much more useful in pvp as it gets you 1/5 of rage + much needed mobility + more frequent interrupts. And if you are boosting the charge by rage, it is much more efficient to get also charge cd talent, because the one that gives you rage also becomes more effective.


Phantom isn't so good unless you are in alderaan or novare coast, where are bit longer run aways for the heal, but half of the time, you just use it to brake the cast, or close up, so you just have to move a bit sooner, and be aware of surroundings and definitely not get it.


Also I will have to make more parses on ravarger vs malice, because from what I tested and calculated from my logs, the malice comes on top in overall damage, and I still got even 6k hit out of ravage in pvp. And can't even count all of the times I got interrupted during my ravage, even after change (kb's stuns stealth grip etc.)


This is what I run:



but you could also go with one less point in Close quarters and rather get one in enraged charge.

and you could move two away from Malice and put it into Ravage, or just one of these changes, or both like this:



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Thank you for your detailed answer, Amerond. I had exactly the same thoughts about the CD Reduction. But what you wrote about Malice and Ravage is new to me. But also a very interesting point. I will directly test your specc-examples tonight.


First I will try this Spec.

I already have a Sniper on 50, so I got my Legacy +5% Crit Buff. That's why I don't put points into Malice. If you get more details on the comparison Ravage vs Malice, let me know them! Either in this thread or through pm.




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