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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

the end of all QQ


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Thats your problem that you are dont believe it..

I know people like you who are doubt obvious things like that 2+2=4..


And personally i dont care what you are believe into.

I just know that Sent Focus tree can do such damage. Period.


btw.. guildmate who do that damage vote for nerfing his class in firstplace..

He is grownup.. unlike the many participants on this forum...


LOL the focus tree? You do realize that's the AOE tree, right?


Yeah, he probably did 9700 damage. Combined on two or three people at once. Three people if they were geared, two if they were low expertise dummies.

Edited by islander
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Completely agree with this. It still slays me how everyone thinks Maras and Sents were meh before 1.2, then they got somewhat nerfed in 1.2 (the primary pvp spec did), but now it's like OMG they are OP'd .


This reminds me of the mage spell Slow in WoW. Before Wrath Slow was considered THE WORST 31 point talent in the game and no point in specing for it. A waste of points. Then Wrath hit, they nerfed slow changing it from making the player run @ 40% speed to 60% speed and suddenly Slow is OP. I chuckled.

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lets don't derail this into an omg the sents are op// my class is perfectly fine.


(My point with sents is that i dint have a problem facing them pre 1.2 except the good ones, but after 1.2 most of the time kill me with out braking a sweat. And since the majority of outcry are complains against them i see the solution at partially undoing what is different now.)


focus on a simple way to limit at list the constant complaining. (and yes i know that is something of a second nature for gamers)


there are bugs that still have to be addressed like the resent BH over crits. but those are not the problem.

Personally i would like a bit longer TTK. maybe that's why i see the solution there.

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