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Marauder Rotation

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I don't know why this section doesn't have a rotation guide for all the trees. Can anyone provide a rotation for Annil/Carnage/Rage? I'll cut and paste what you wrote and maybe some brief tips on why you are doing the rotation in a certain order.


Yea I know I can use the search function, but wouldn't be easier for everyone to just have one thread with all the info? I hope people can help! I really need help building a rage spec right now for pvp.

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I don't know why this section doesn't have a rotation guide for all the trees. Can anyone provide a rotation for Annil/Carnage/Rage? I'll cut and paste what you wrote and maybe some brief tips on why you are doing the rotation in a certain order.


Yea I know I can use the search function, but wouldn't be easier for everyone to just have one thread with all the info? I hope people can help! I really need help building a rage spec right now for pvp.


As of level 37(My Mara) My Annil rotation is: Charge>Deadly Saber>Battering Assault>Rupture>Vicious slash>repeat steps 2-5


Rage: Charge>Choke>Smash>Obliterate>Battering Assault>Scream>Vicious slash


Carnage(Not much experience with this): Charge>Gore>Ravage>Battering Assault>Scream on BF>Vicious slash>Repeat all except charge.



Annil: I try to use Deadly saber while I'm still flying at them from the charge so I don't waste time with the animation, I aim to build my rage while putting the stacks of Deadly on them to get as much damage in as possible.

Rage: Charge builds Rage and gives me the insta Smash crit proc, choke builds stacks of shockwave to make my smash stronger. Obliterate gives me another small immobilize, Battering gets me more rage, scream because it helps spend the rage, and I just use vicious slash as a filler in case smash isn't off CD


Carnage: Gore gives Armor Pen. Ravage abuses that, battering is self explanatory, scream on BF for the insta crit, vicious for the chance to proc Ataru.

I know it's not level 50 stuff but it's what has worked so far for me :)

Edited by Roxax
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I don't know why this section doesn't have a rotation guide for all the trees. Can anyone provide a rotation for Annil/Carnage/Rage? I'll cut and paste what you wrote and maybe some brief tips on why you are doing the rotation in a certain order.


Yea I know I can use the search function, but wouldn't be easier for everyone to just have one thread with all the info? I hope people can help! I really need help building a rage spec right now for pvp.


There is no rotation for any spec for Marauder.


That is the main reason why no one has posted one.


There is a priority list, which is highly situational, and differs notably in PVP and PVE.


With the GCD mechanic and varying cooldowns on different abilities, the "skill" in playing Marauder is being able to make split-second decisions about what the optimal use of each GCD is, and there is no rotation to hand that to you on a silver platter.


Each spec has key abilities which should generally be kept on cooldown as much as is feasible, but all specs of Marauder have so many situational abilities that it's nearly impossible to capture a be-all end-all rotation.


For example, how does using Force Charge to interrupt a cure or channeled attack factor into a rotation? How does hitting someone with Trauma debuff factor into a rotation? How does Crippling Slash factor into a rotation? How do Marauder's CC abilities factor into a rotation? How do Marauder's defensive CDs factor into a rotation? How does Empowerment factor into a rotation (for Annihilation)? How does Gore window factor into a rotation (for Carnage)? How does Smash usage (e.g. making sure there are enough targets in proximity) factor into a rotation for Rage?


It's hardly black and white, which is why every class has suggestions for a priority list and no rotation to speak of.


Arsenal Merc and Assault Commando probably come the closest to a true rotation due to the faceroll simplicity of both specs, but are highly vulnerable to enemy interrupts and focus fire.

Edited by Omophorus
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its a dynamically changing priority system. Its something you either get or you don't. That is why you see marauders that dominate everything or they suck so much a companion can kill them.
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