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Empire armor

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Is there any high level armor for a sith Mur that gives him a hood or hood & cloak.


Very interested since i saw the jedi gets awesome looking gear like that.




The Battlemaster PvP gear has a hood. The recruit PvP hear also has a hood, and is much easier to get. The set of recruit gear will cost you a little over 300k. The BM set will require you to grind PvP for 30-40 hours. The Tionese, Columi, and Rakata PvE gear also has a hood. You can get this gear from doing HM FPs and Operation. Of course you will have to be a lvl 50 to get any of the above. If you are a lower lvl I would suggest going to Torloot.com. You can search by class what gear drops from each FP.


Also, pretty much any head piece will make the hood be down. If you have a BM head piece and the BM chest, the hood will stay up. If you have any head piece the PvE set will have the hood down. All you have to do is click on your character page. In the bottom right by the foot slot there will be a button you can hit. It will drop down a another page that will let you hide the head slot and match the colors of your gear.

Edited by CharleyDanger
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