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Marauder/Juggernaut which is better?


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I understand "better" is pretty subjective, so I'll precise my question.


I usually prefer ranged or healer, but I really want to unlock the buff from Sith Warrior. This is why, I'm asking, which of these is "easier" for solo PvE? I want to level fast, to get it done with (I'll only level with rest xp while I level another character). I have a lvl 50, so I can transfer fund to make it even easier.


I admit, I'm a bit stumped by the amount of abilities you have to uses. I'll level one no matter what because I want all four buffs, but I'd like to hear the recommendation of skilled/experienced players.

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Well, my take on it is this; the marauder can dish it out and the juggernaut can take it.


If you want to level fast,k you will probably want to get fights over with as quickly as possible. So the marauder would probably be best for you.


I don't know which skill tree is better on that side, annihilation or carnage. I play a juggernaut so someone who plays a marauder could probably advise you better on that.


That is my opinion anyway and I have been known to be wrong.

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I have a Juggernaut at 50, and found the storyline interesting enough to replay using a Marauder. My experience so far does indeed suggest that the Juggernaut, especially with the talent tree geared towards tanking, is a tower of strength and tough to take down. I used a DPS companion to quicken the encounters who rarely got attacked due to the high threat levels you can create with a tank.


On the other hand, my Marauder moves through fights much quicker, especially now I have the companion who heals me and I have plenty of Medpacs to lower the cooldown time between fights thanks to the Biochem skill. This could partly be because I'm more confident with the game now, but I do think the Marauder gets things done faster. However, I've found it difficult moving from tank to DPS when my companion gets aggro and I can't just taunt them off.


That said, I really enjoyed playing a Juggernaut and I found the damage output to be alright. And there are DPS talents trees for the Juggernaut, which might be quicker and a nice halfway house between damage output and durability. I know I'm just talking in circles now but I guess what I'm saying is the Marauder seems to be quicker for levelling but you can't go wrong with either in terms of enjoyment!

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I understand "better" is pretty subjective, so I'll precise my question.


I usually prefer ranged or healer, but I really want to unlock the buff from Sith Warrior. This is why, I'm asking, which of these is "easier" for solo PvE? I want to level fast, to get it done with (I'll only level with rest xp while I level another character). I have a lvl 50, so I can transfer fund to make it even easier.


I admit, I'm a bit stumped by the amount of abilities you have to uses. I'll level one no matter what because I want all four buffs, but I'd like to hear the recommendation of skilled/experienced players.


Marauder, and when you get Quinn use him,keep him and yourself geared and you'll be almost invincible questing 3-4 levels above your own and a total beast.

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Oh great, and Quinn is the second (real) companion.


Should I go annihilation for leveling? I know I'm asking a lot, but do you have a good build for leveling up pve? (If I like him enough, I'll just respec at 50, as per what I want to do with him.


Thanks a lot for all the help guys!

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I couldnt find a thread specifically for my question but this is close enough. I have a 46 rage jug and my buddy has a 50 rage marauder. Neither of us has the other AC so we both debated with biased opinions haha. I said jug is best in rage and he said the opposite. So my question is which is better and whats the difference between the two?
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Ive always preferred the idea of single-saber combat over duel-wielding, so i went Jugg and specced Vengeance.


If you dont have a preferance, then pick either slightly more damage (Marauder) or better survivability (Juggernaut)

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Rage is probobly the best leveling spec, you spend most of your time fighting against multiple targets and rage is best suited for that situation.


Pretty much this. It's true for any class. 99% of your fights while leveling is against multiple opponents, so the more aoe you can throw out the faster it'll go. Rage doesn't really start to take off until the 30ish when you get auto-crit shockwave boosted Smash, and really hits its stride at 40. My personal opinion is that Marauder does Rage better right now (better rage management and Obliterate/Vicious Slash/Ravage do more damage when dual wielding).


And do you only want the buff (chapter 2) or do you plan to hit 50 for legacy force choke/racial unlock/ease of getting companions maxed for the presence boost? Marauder is good at low levels whereas the Jugg is a late bloomer. Vengeance (single target spec) doesn't really start to pick up steam until 30 and really at 40, by which time you're done chapter 2. Immortal is a tank spec.... it's tanky throughout, heh.


Annihilation is the durable Marauder tree and can still rip through grips quickly enough. I wouldn't bother with Carnage while leveling to be honest. Getting Deadly Saber at 20 is vastly superior to getting Ataru Form and higher level Carnage has some important proc watching to deal with whereas the other two specs are a bit more mindless. Carnage has some interesting options in pvp further up the tree, but doesn't offer anything special for the leveling process.


I like my Jugg better in terms of flavor/style/options and all that (Intercede is sweet in pve and pvp), but if you're not gonna keep the character you probably should go Marauder unless you want to go the "I never die because I'm a tank" path of easy leveling.

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mara anni tree for the first 30 or so levels(anni is far better in the early chapters for the heals). past 30 try rage for the aoe's and remember to have your heal companion(second one you get...technacly third but yaaaa). If rage doesnt work for you then go back to anni. Biochem is amazing for any class but does so much more for the melee classes with those meds. fund your mara out for gear(you and your companion) and mods, this will allow you to burn through it if your just looking to unlock but will also make you a powerhouse if you play pvp on the side.


p.s sorry for the bad grammer and form...quick typing on phone ftl


I have played jugg but really didnt catch on with it. so i dropped in favor of mara and never looked back.


characters 50 sorc, 50 sniper, 50 mara, 50 powertech, 21 operative(current), 50 trooper

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In the case of Juggs, Vengeance works quite well too. Heck, with a DPS companion and solid gear on them, Immortal spec can chew through stuff pretty well too. Only downside with immortal spec leveling is I find that you still end up with less health at the end of a fight. you have to stop and heal, whereas with a vengance or rage spec you don't (when you have quinn that is....).


the forum guide recommends immortal or Vengeance till 40 or so, then Rage post 40. I personally have ran a jugg as vengance an immortal (my new re-roll im goign to try Rage. but Vengace is a killer spec for leveling in general...I never felt slow at any point, especially post 30. post 40 is cake. Even if Rage was mildly better (a.k.a the AoE), Vengeance still makes the game a cake walk (well sorta...id say a fun cakewalk, since most the other classes are sort of boring to me).

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I leveled a sentinel on a different server, leveled as combat (carnage) and had alot of fun doing so. I ended up rerolling on a more populated server, and as I really enjoy melee, I rolled a Warrior.


Decided to go Veng Jugg, and for the first 23ish levels, I wondered what the heck made me want to do this, but once you get choke and force throw a level or 2 later, the fun magnifies greatly.


Overall, I enjoy the Jugg so much more. I pvp alot as I level, and the Jugg brings more control and nearly as much dps as a mara.


But of course, ymmv.

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Mara of any spec levels faster than you can blink pretty much. You basically can kill mostly anything when questing and most likely flew off the planet already before you even need to stop and heal. Things just drop so fast (in 2 hits in some cases) that you may not even get touched at all (jump stun, smash stun, scream stun, next group please).


If you avoid Gold star mobs as much as possible during regular questing with Quinn you pretty much don't need to stop (but remember to have a bottle of water and some snacks next to the table - we don't want you to die of dehydration now :) )

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Mara of any spec levels faster than you can blink pretty much. You basically can kill mostly anything when questing and most likely flew off the planet already before you even need to stop and heal. Things just drop so fast (in 2 hits in some cases) that you may not even get touched at all (jump stun, smash stun, scream stun, next group please).


If you avoid Gold star mobs as much as possible during regular questing with Quinn you pretty much don't need to stop (but remember to have a bottle of water and some snacks next to the table - we don't want you to die of dehydration now :) )


Now, I'll admit that I haven't leveled a mara yet - I do plan to at some point, but this is how my immortal jugg rolls... I never stop (almost) while using vette unless I encounter like 3 strong mobs at once. I can chain pull (I even pull when I'm at like 20% health because I know I'll survive) and then heal like once every 20-30 battles. Jugg, for me, has been crazy fast and easy. Even gold mobs haven't been an issue and I generally stick with vette. Quinn just slows me down, believe it or not.

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Now, I'll admit that I haven't leveled a mara yet - I do plan to at some point, but this is how my immortal jugg rolls... I never stop (almost) while using vette unless I encounter like 3 strong mobs at once. I can chain pull (I even pull when I'm at like 20% health because I know I'll survive) and then heal like once every 20-30 battles. Jugg, for me, has been crazy fast and easy. Even gold mobs haven't been an issue and I generally stick with vette. Quinn just slows me down, believe it or not.


I think that's the difference between jugg and mara. Mara needs Quinn if you want to lvl non-stop because majorly of the damage dealt with be from you.


Haven't played jugg much myself but I assumed that since you are not using a healing companion you are using the companion more for helping with the dmg?


I guess it is fast but in a different way.


I plays on a pvp server though so habit is I tend to have healer companion out regardless - just in case there are some silly one-mans who thinks that trying to gank a sith warrior is a good idea (and it has happened b4, but the defensive cooldowns are great against ganking).

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