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Combat Tree slightly broken?


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I was running through Belsavis, when I noticed something strange. The skill Opportune Attack says that "Your Ataru Form hits have a 50/100% chance to make your next focus spender deal 10% more damage."

It has an icon which shows up on the buffs bar.

Combat Trance says "Hits from Ataru Form grants Combat Trance for 6 seconds. When Combat Trance ends, you generate 1 focus. This can only occur once every 6 seconds."


Now, logic dictates that Opportune Attack would be up more often than Combat Trance, because Combat Trance has a six second delay, before it starts activating again. But, recently I've been trying to work it so that I have Opportune Attack up at the same time I land my heavy hitter, but while Combat Trance has been up nearly all the time, Opportune Attack just doesn't seem to be showing up. Is there something wrong, or am I just too reliant on the icons? Could someone good with combat logs check this out?

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I've been trying to mobilize myself and finally start thread about it, but is seem you've done that for me. Yes, Opportune Attack is does not work as advertised. Once I thought that it has some hidden CD, until I saw it in log proc second time second after first proc.


With all testing I've done I've determined 2 facts about Opprotune Attack:

1. It will appear in log at moment Ataru strike procs, not when it lands. That's good because delay may cause any hit to strike even second later than it should.

2. Proc chance with 2 talent points is closer to 50%


One of my tests:



First proc is at 19:55:27.218, after 4 Ataru have already landed.

Next is at 19:55:28.544, so if there is CD it's less than 1.5

At 19:55:38.254 there is proc where no Ataru hits have landed since using up Opportune Attack

Opportune Attack is consumed on activation, and can easly proc from attack that used it up.


Once I've considered that maybe only natural Ataru hits can proc it, but this loc begins with natural Ataru and no OA proc.




As for your reasoning about Combat Trance - it has nearly 100% uptime, delay is there to let it fade and restore that focus. Opportune Attack sould have closer to 90% uptime, with Blade Storm never restoring it and Precision Slash chance to do so.

Edited by Elear
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So... it doesn't work as advertised, then. Should someone send a ticket to the devs, and find out whether it isn't working like it should, or if there's something they left out of the description? After going through 30 levels worth of combat tree, I'd like to think it would at least work properly.
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The ability works, but the Jedi Sentinel skill tree has an incorrect tooltip. If you look at the Sith Maurader version, it correctly reads 15% chance per point for a 30% chance to occur on ataru procs.

just needs the tooltip changed to match the sith version.

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I have found that Opportune Attack does not work as described...


Not only do I frequently witness confirmed Ataru hits (with swing, hit animation, hit sound and damage text displayed for the extra swing) that do not generate Opportune Attack (and I'm not consuming them, I've been testing purely using focus-generating attacks), I have further confirmed that these Ataru hits are occurring but Opportune Attack is not triggering as I have witnessed from a hit Combat Trance be triggered but not Opportune Attack; leaving no doubt there was a hit and no activation.


Either we are secretly getting the damage; there's something wrong with its triggering.... Or the tooltip's wrong, which is disappointing - the Marauder's reads 15/30% chance, which seems weak for a 10% bonus on something only 20% likely to occur in the first place.

Edited by QuiQuaeQuod
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Or the tooltip's wrong, which is disappointing - the Marauder's reads 15/30% chance, which seems weak for a 10% bonus on something only 20% likely to occur in the first place.


Tooltip is wrong, it's getting fixed in 1.3

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