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Shredz's 1.2 PvP Tanky AP Build/Guide


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I appreciate your positive outlook. Like I said, none of us are against experimenting, and are more than willing to be proven wrong. Well, maybe not Agooz ;p. I really like Hybrids, and mixing things up. I really enjoyed testing the Tibetan Candle as it gave me a greater appreciation of the passive venting of AP.


I do have a few questions though.


With the gear you have, you shouldn't be getting smoked that often. I have a single piece of WH gear, and I may die 9 times in a WZ. The worst was when the opposing team just wanted to see how often they could kill me. I died 14 times in a span of 7 minutes in huttball. It was not pretty, but it was funny. However, even in shield tech I would have died that many times.


The benefit of being a deep AP with HEGC is you have survivability and the ability to kill someone fast. Facing equal geared people I can kill one, and survive long enough to maybe kill the others. Against undergeared people I can roll through two people. A buddy of mine and I ran into 3-4 recruit and half bm gear guys and won.


Ye my gear is fine, currently have 5pieces of war hero and I have no probs 1v1 against equal gear and can 1v2 versus lesser geared no problem. Its just because theres no cross server pvp and people tend to focus me alot :p could be all the hate from grappling into vents ^^

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A full ST in dps gear or even a deep AP crit rocket punch will do more damage than an AP's crit RS.


It's marginally better depending on gear setup.

The below numbers are crit damage averages in full Rakata


RP = 3256.97

FB = 2863.91

Immo = 3974.55

RS - 3370.25


Now if you don't get Rakata's 8 percent boost it will fall under RP, and you can actually swing RP and FB ahead of RS by swapping certain mods.

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Yes but you are forgetting the dmg of immolate which is higher than rocket punch, and rocket punch is still doing alot of dmg and also flameburst does way more dmg, the points for the extra snare is just a reassurance so you don't have to spam that retractable blade for a 6sec slow. Its somewhat works together more than it looks on paper. Granted I miss out on the 15% faster but i'm not missing out of retractable blade slow i have both for guaranteed slowage.


So what type of TTK difference do you see? Actual time not feeling. You are predisposed to feel like you are taking less damage because it's what you think you will see. What we need is an actual ttk difference when focused. Because my best guess is you may get 1.5 - 3 seconds of difference.

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So what type of TTK difference do you see? Actual time not feeling. You are predisposed to feel like you are taking less damage because it's what you think you will see. What we need is an actual ttk difference when focused. Because my best guess is you may get 1.5 - 3 seconds of difference.


You may be correct, but people tend to see the ion gas and think twice before attacking me and tend to go for the more ''squishy'' members of my team. On our server tanks are more or less non existant, with just the wanna dps tanks about who don't even use guard/taunt. I tend to play more objective based as well and surviving longer generally helps(with guarding nodes or protecting healers) I just feel personally I'm able to be much more useful while still retaining my dps. In my opinion i wish we could stance dance like juggs, would make things smoother

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You don't switch in fight. No need to get a little testy ;p. We are simply bringing valid points of disagreement to your build. I don't see the benefit of any IGC or tank build without Oil Slick (really strong in pvp) Ablative Upgrades, Shield Vents, Ion Screen, and Supercharged Ion Gas.


Something like 19/22/0 would give you an actual difference in TTK.


The essential problem is that without some of the actual tank builds, your ability to kill other targets is significantly reduced at a greater margin than your ability to survive.


I used to run something very similar to that build pre-1.2 (Dropping Ablative Upgrades for No Escape and using HO instead of Kolto Vents, which used to be where Hamstring is now) from time to time. Jet Charge vs HO is very debatable and IMHO boils down to personal preference. It works well as a durable harasser but requires a little more setup than Iron Fist to kill someone because of the lack of Flame Shield & Flame Surge.


Now that I think about it, I need to revisit that build and mess around with it some more. If the slows from Hamstring and Neural Overload stack, that presents some interesting possibilities. You might be able to do the same thing with Hamstring and Sweltering Heat in a Maverick-style build. Has anyone tested this?

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