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Just Logged In after Maintenance: GTN is Broken


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GTN is broken after today's patch. I can confirm it.


It requires you to type in AT LEAST 3 letters on the Search Field before allowing you to search for anything. Otherwise the Search Button at the bottom will stay grayed-out.

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GTN is broken after today's patch. I can confirm it.


It requires you to type in AT LEAST 3 letters on the Search Field before allowing you to search for anything. Otherwise the Search Button at the bottom will stay grayed-out.


So type in the first three letters whats the big deal.

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GTN is broken after today's patch. I can confirm it.


It requires you to type in AT LEAST 3 letters on the Search Field before allowing you to search for anything. Otherwise the Search Button at the bottom will stay grayed-out.


Not sure I would call it "broken", as it can still be used. I'm not following on why this would be an issue. What are you searching for where in the past you'd normally just type in a letter or two, or not fill in the category or subcategory fields?


EDIT here: Yes, I also find the rarity field unnecessary. It should default you to "cheap" so you can see everything. If you do set it to that, or premium, or whatever, you will see all items of that category and subcategory of the rarity or rarer. You do not have to fill in the 'slot' field, however.

Edited by VulcanLogic
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It's broken, just confirmed. You can make a selection in all of the categories and the "search" button will stay gray and not execute the search. This is such an obvious bug that I'm shocked that it made it to the live servers. All anyone has to do is try to do a search and the bug is apparent. Obvious that a change was made to the GTN search, or a component that's used by search, and no testing was done. This is really, really sad quality assurance.
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Not sure I would call it "broken", as it can still be used. I'm not following on why this would be an issue. What are you searching for where in the past you'd normally just type in a letter or two, or not fill in the category or subcategory fields?


EDIT here: Yes, I also find the rarity field unnecessary. It should default you to "cheap" so you can see everything. If you do set it to that, or premium, or whatever, you will see all items of that category and subcategory of the rarity or rarer. You do not have to fill in the 'slot' field, however.


You honestly don't ever search a category to see ALL of the items for sale? I do all the time. You can not do that right now. The GTN is BROKEN, as in "not working as intended" which by definition is BROKEN.

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Not sure I would call it "broken", as it can still be used.


The same BS logic used to justify everything else in this game that's jacked up by all the "glass is 10% full" guys on this forum.


This game will be great in a year when they either iron out the details, or make it free to play.

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It's broken, just confirmed. You can make a selection in all of the categories and the "search" button will stay gray and not execute the search. This is such an obvious bug that I'm shocked that it made it to the live servers. All anyone has to do is try to do a search and the bug is apparent. Obvious that a change was made to the GTN search, or a component that's used by search, and no testing was done. This is really, really sad quality assurance.


I have all the major categories chosen and the search button is illuminated and works.



Tried another with slot chosen and it functions like it should, too.

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