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The heck am I doing wrong?


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I do on average 2-300k dmg no matter what spec I play. But I see other snipers in the same group pulling 500-1.1mil dmg in a warzone. (voidstar was the 1.1millions)


This is my spec.



My gear is all Battlemaster. I have the expertise to do dmg. It's 1200.


What the hell? How do I improve? What should my rotation be? What am I not doing?

Edited by Nerifes
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Honestly, if anyone starts pulling 400k+ numbers they're padding with massive AOE damage. Typically frag grenade spam and liberal OS use.


You also need to have an enemy team that sits in OS, is crappy, and a healer keeping you up (or the other team ignoring you).

Edited by Infalliable
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My server must be really rubbish.. most I've seen are in the 700k's. And these are certainly not Snipers.

I usually do around 250-300k's in a good match. I, however, don't really abuse on AoEing and simply shoot people down. Most I've done were some pathetic 500k's with a pet healer behind me, lol..


I honestly can't see someone doing that damage (constantly) as a sniper, against a "decent" team.

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You're in a single target spec.


I managed to do 550k with the same, more or less, build like you on voidstar but like mentioned before this comes down to frag/corr grenade and OS. Granted, in voidstar these numbers actually do matter as people are bunched up and your DPE is extremely effecient.


On the flipside the most I've done with leth/enginer was closer to 700k but those numbers were just due to being on a bad team versus an even worse team. Big fat stalemate equals maximum duration and thus the biggest numbers. Doesn't mean I did good, all it meant is that people didn't die.


Right now I am in MM spec and unless I find myself guardian a door/node I usually do 300k+ depending on situation.


Point is, damage numbers says jack **** about your performance. Instead look to how well your fare when fighting in groups, 1v1, or whatever. Do you successfully burn people down? Do live enough to do meaningful damage? Is this the optimal position to go into cover? etc etc. This is what matters. Where you are and what you add to your team once you're there.

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What stands out to me (without knowing your armor/buffs/etc) is that you don't have lingering toxins in your build. So you are only pulling a one Cull rotation. With lingering toxins you will get 2 culls before you need to re-apply dots. This will increase your damage and ability to do more damage with the saved energy. You can pull off something like the prime rotation below (in a best case scenario of course, happens a handful of times depending on the wz). If you're chasing someone you can either replace the series of shots with a quick explosive probe and rifle shot until your cull is ready again OR explosive probe -> leg shot -> series of shots -> cull.


Prime rotation: Shatter Shot->corrosive nade->dart->(pop crit relic) -> weakening blast->cull->explosive probe->series of shots->cull


I 'm rarely out of the top 3 in damage as lethality. If you want to stack damage use your crit buffs when you toss nades. If you crit in the right spot you can hit 5 targets for 3k. If you get really lucky you can do that crit shortly there after by tossing another nade.

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Hover over the damage number at look at "killing blows" in the stats at the end of the game. I'm usually 1st or 2nd on my team very game.


Example: Sorcerer in a game I played had 500k plus damage with 3 killing blows, I had about 350k damage with 18.


It's not always about overall damage in pvp, sometimes it's about having the burst to actually finish someone off.

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Hover over the damage number at look at "killing blows" in the stats at the end of the game. I'm usually 1st or 2nd on my team very game.


Example: Sorcerer in a game I played had 500k plus damage with 3 killing blows, I had about 350k damage with 18.


It's not always about overall damage in pvp, sometimes it's about having the burst to actually finish someone off.


Killing blows dont prove anything either. Someone can burst down 99% of the health for someone else to "steal" the final blow.


You can also have a lot of damage, have no killing blows but prevented people from capping or planting the entire match.

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I would agree with you to some degree, but the differential is usually significant. And over time when you see it, it's not random luck.


Our burst is insane, and in PvP burst gets kills period. The piddly little aoe hitting everyone are so easily healed through it's just laughable.

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