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Jedi Consular vs. Sith Asssassin (Storyline)


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I say go with the class you love. I have both SI and JC and enjoyed both stories quite a bit.


Jedi Consular was harder for me to through than Inquisitor. Simply because, as others have said, the first chapter drags and is rather dull. By the end of Nar Shaddaa, I was already tired of Chapter 1 plot and shelved Kateiah for a bit. Chapter 2, and Chapter 3, are way, way, WAY better in my opinion.


Keep in mind, I did not play my JC as a typical light side Jedi. Once I came back to the class, I decided to go as neutral as possible. Right now, at level 58, her alignment sits at 50 Light. I didn't want Kateiah dark or light, but right smack in the middle. Once I did this, oh my was it incredibly fun. She maintained the calmness that is the Jedi Consular with a little snark mixed in. Additionally, when she got angry it was almost a thing a beautiful, and the voice acting was great.


As for the Inquisitor, the same applies for Chapter 1 but the snark and brilliant one-liners make up for it.

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Consular story really picks up after Act 1. While I personally enjoyed the whole story even after playing the Warrior story, I can totally see how act 1 might kill somebody's desire to see the story any further lol.


It has continuity problems, the story shoehorns you into being some kind of light side character (not necessarily all LS, but definitely up there) because most of your DS choices are "I'm going to kill you because shut up". They just don't feel as motivated, not even by any rational, relatable sense of greed and personal gain.


Your act 1 villains aren't in control of their mental faculties. What are you going to do, kill somebody who's literally been mind controlled and blame them for the actions of the person using them? An argument could be made for not finding the trade-off the shield spell does to the Consular being worth it in order to increase the odds of defeating the act 1 Big Bad, but I felt like the story didn't really reflect this well enough. If you kill certain "villains" there's also another problem--one of them is present at the act 1 finale regardless (unless this has since been hotfixed, it's been a while) and the council will mention all the Jedi Masters you saved even if you killed them all.


The story's complete lack of polish and Act 1's poor execution put a real damper on the story. Act 2 really picks up and you start to see a few more rational and pragmatic dark side choices.


Other than the fact that the story appears to have been written by somebody inexperienced with story telling and writing (which I hear is actually the case) my only gripe are the voice actors. I don't know if the male voice gets better, but the female one definitely improves after Tython. She does have moments of snark, but many of her lines feel flat and emotionless. Even in the movies the Jedi weren't flat and emotionless, this seems to be a Bioware thing. Where this really becomes evident, however, are the scenes that should be emotionally gripping--like the Act 3 finale. Instead, we get something like Gene Wilder's Willy Wonka flatly stating "Stop. Police. Murder." when things are going to hell in a hand basket.


The act 3 finale should be a little more emotionally charged, what happens is a big freaking deal that could and should rattle the Consular as well as the Council.


I've only done act 1 on the inquisitor and it's better than the consular's act 1. But not much. I honestly feel like Zash carried most of the story, but wasn't terribly enthused that the story wanted the inquisitor, who was a slave in the Empire and by all rights SHOULD know better, to be surprised by the act 1 Big Bad. Even after others warn you that something's up whoever wrote the story really wanted the Inquisitor to be taken by surprise.


The voices here share similar complaints to the Consular voices. The female voice grew on me more quickly, though, as many of her lines are tinged with snark and sarcasm.

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Other than the fact that the story appears to have been written by somebody inexperienced with story telling and writing (which I hear is actually the case) my only gripe are the voice actors. I don't know if the male voice gets better, but the female one definitely improves after Tython. She does have moments of snark, but many of her lines feel flat and emotionless. Even in the movies the Jedi weren't flat and emotionless, this seems to be a Bioware thing. Where this really becomes evident, however, are the scenes that should be emotionally gripping--like the Act 3 finale. Instead, we get something like Gene Wilder's Willy Wonka flatly stating "Stop. Police. Murder." when things are going to hell in a hand basket.


The act 3 finale should be a little more emotionally charged, what happens is a big freaking deal that could and should rattle the Consular as well as the Council.


The female VA totally ruined the consular story for me. I didn't think she ever improved. (I think her complete lack of emotion is part of why the Iresso romance is so very, very bland.) I found the male VA a little better, but maybe I just got used to monotone by the time I started playing him.

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SI story is my fav in the game. Many people hate it, though. If you know your background info, look at the philosophical meanings of stuff, and look at the big picture, it's a beautiful piece of art.


dont get me wrong i do like it but there are bits i think that ruin it.


Ashara/Jessa; before the game came out we were told that the inquisitor is the palpatine of this game yet a truly evil SI gets stuck with a Jedi who despite doing bad things refuses to be turned. if you play the warrior before hand its a massive let down as Jessa can be both dark and light and they should have done the same with Ashara here.


Xalek; Ashara wouldn't be all bad if Xalek wasn't so flat, his character is boring and that surprised me as i remember seeing images of him before even closed beat so it wasn't like he was a last minute add on.


Belsavis/Voss: the whole your now illl and must heal crap was fine for one planet but the powerbase building feels rushed and hardly realistic, a much better option would rather than Voss and Belsavis as a healing planet, one should have focused on getting forces to challenge Thanaton.


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dont get me wrong i do like it but there are bits i think that ruin it.


Ashara/Jessa; before the game came out we were told that the inquisitor is the palpatine of this game yet a truly evil SI gets stuck with a Jedi who despite doing bad things refuses to be turned. if you play the warrior before hand its a massive let down as Jessa can be both dark and light and they should have done the same with Ashara here.


Xalek; Ashara wouldn't be all bad if Xalek wasn't so flat, his character is boring and that surprised me as i remember seeing images of him before even closed beat so it wasn't like he was a last minute add on.


Belsavis/Voss: the whole your now illl and must heal crap was fine for one planet but the powerbase building feels rushed and hardly realistic, a much better option would rather than Voss and Belsavis as a healing planet, one should have focused on getting forces to challenge Thanaton.


I agree that the SI should have more time to empower his powerbase. But I personally love Voss. The healing ritual is so interesting, so different. And fighting your own demons inside the dreamrealm is very interesting. At least I found Voss(SI) to be much more interesting than most planets for most classes. Maybe the best class-story part in game, tbh. Most people might find rituals boring of course, since "Me strong, me smash", but the SI isn't about being the smasher.

But I would maybe say that Belsavis isn't really needed. Sure, it's nice to rebuild yourself into a superman and all that. Maybe getting the warrior's physical strenght? Or maybe a far superior strenght than him. There's no limits to what the Mother machine can offer. But of course, as you say. It should've been more quests to build the powerbase. It's a very nice detail that you meet your cult again, but it's not enough. Would maybe have been nice if you save Achelon's ship in combat, then, when he's fleeing, you fire the Silencer.

*this is a very short fix, but it makes you work for it and it could've proven your worth*

Maybe, just maybe; you could save Achelon's apprentice's ship, and get the short conversation with Achelon afterwards, and then the same with Achelon refusing to kill you on Corellia etc. This isn't a big fix, but it makes you "fight" for your powerbase, at least.)


Personally I like Xalek. He's sort of based on the DS Sith Warrior. A brute with no knowledge of the Sith code, one that will serve as your enforcer. And I totally agree on Jaesa/Ashara. It's a bit annoying, but in a way it serves you well. Even if you're far-dark, then you have a good use for her. She'll replace Zash, and the odds of her betraying you is very, very low. Jaesa will betray the Sith Warrior. He cannot offer her anything other than teaching (He's just a lord), and she'll in the end try to take her master's place. Ashara won't, so she's a safe apprentice. A bit dull that she's so "Jedi-ish", but at least she does combine Sith and Jedi teachings. But again, she's not your prize apprentice. She's just a servant. Nox will likely go to the academy and find a prize apprentice soon, as Xalek is just his enforcer and Ashara is just his "Librarian" so to speak. She'll not be with you in the front, but she'll research for you. And that's something she likes, something she does during the storyline, so I see no other use for her. Xalek are sent to murder rivals and republic enemies, while little Ashara is supposed to read. But still a bit annoying with the lack of freedom, of course.

Edited by Leaveshill
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The female VA totally ruined the consular story for me. I didn't think she ever improved. (I think her complete lack of emotion is part of why the Iresso romance is so very, very bland.) I found the male VA a little better, but maybe I just got used to monotone by the time I started playing him.


Voice acting, I've found, is very much a subjective YMMV situation. I love my female consular's voice. She sounds exactly the way I'd want her to sound. But I don't ever choose sarcastic or snarky lines on her. That's what my smuggler's for. My Sage is calm, follows the code, and always nice and polite to almost everyone.

Edited by Raphael_diSanto
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Personally, I thought the Consular storyline started off pretty lame but became quite enjoyable in the end. It was the opposite for the Inquisitor (strong start, a pretty blah final chapter).


Imperial Agent is still the best storyline in the game as far as I'm concerned, but I haven't completed 5 out 8 so that is only "so far".


- Arcada

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