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Imperial Branch Colors


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I did a couple searches and came up empty-handed so I decided to post just in case someone could fill me in or point me in the right direction.


It is clear that the various Imperial uniforms have some different styles, however they also have different-colored tabs and trim. I gather that these different colors represent different branches or services in the Imperial military. Does anyone know what the different colors signify? I've seen red, purple, and white (along with some other colors too).


I just got ahold of a Hooligans Jacket and the trim is red.....so that is where my question comes from.


Thanks in advance!

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My best guess would be that, judging from where we see Imperials in full uniform, that Grey with Red Trim (Like the Hooligan's Jacket) is used by Army units, particularly important ones (like Special Forces). Standard Grey appears to be used by high-ranking Navy personnel (like Captains and their Executive officers, see The Black Talon), while the Dark Blue/Purple with Blue trim (and white pants) appears to be used by lower-ranking Navy personnel (judging from the ensigns on the Justice). Standard Dark Blue-Purple (again, with white pants) appears to be used by special units.
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Thanks for the quick answers! I didn't think to explore the Fleet to see who is wearing what, but that does seem like a good way to figure it out. :cool:


Heh, I didn't actually explore the Fleet, so to speak. I just picked up that tidbit on the Black Talon, then saw on Balmorra what a lot of the officers there were wearing. The Justice, though, that information came from -ahem- the other side....

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My best guess would be that, judging from where we see Imperials in full uniform, that Grey with Red Trim (Like the Hooligan's Jacket) is used by Army units, particularly important ones (like Special Forces). Standard Grey appears to be used by high-ranking Navy personnel (like Captains and their Executive officers, see The Black Talon), while the Dark Blue/Purple with Blue trim (and white pants) appears to be used by lower-ranking Navy personnel (judging from the ensigns on the Justice). Standard Dark Blue-Purple (again, with white pants) appears to be used by special units.


After doing missions on Tatooine I noticed that the Imperial Intelligence agent was wearing purple trim with the white pants as you noted above. The moff uses red (lots of it).

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After doing missions on Tatooine I noticed that the Imperial Intelligence agent was wearing purple trim with the white pants as you noted above. The moff uses red (lots of it).


Intelligence is...weird. Minor Agent NPC promotion spoilers:

Keeper transitioning to the Minister of Intelligence wears red on grey in both jobs. Watcher Two transitioning to Keeper uses grey on grey in both jobs.


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First of all, Bioware didn't keep to 100% consistency when populating the game with uniforms, so while we can try and spot patterns, we can never expect complete accuracy, as there isn't complete consitency from NPC to NPC.


That being said:


Grey / grey: Unknown, but as it is the most common it might represent standard navy, standard army or just a generic military uniform worn during day-to-day duties. Usually accompanied by slightly lighter grey trousers. For agents, the most reliable way to acquire this uniform is the quest reward for Toxic Bombs on Balmorra. Can also be acquired through armourmech, as the Hooligan's set of gear, although this can only be worn by Sith Warriors and Agents - NOT companions.


Grey / red (trim): Unknown, but likely army. Unique in that shoulderpads will often be grey here, rather than black.


Grey / black: Unknown. Might be black ops in the army, or certain parts of the navy.


Grey / purple: Imperial Intelligence. However, as has been pointed out, while doing office work, many Intelligence staff wear standard grey/grey while in the office. This may be simply because the tunic design without shoulderpads has not been implemented in Intelligence colours. Shoulderpads are very dark purple. The simplest way to acquire this uniform is having it drop from the final boss in Hammer Station.


Grey / grey with tan trousers and cap: Imperial Reclamation Service. Interestingly, the designers appear to be most consistent with IRS uniforms - you rarely see them wearing anything but the correct colours.


Dark red top with white trousers: Imperial Diplomatic Service. As far as I'm aware, not available for players to wear.


White / white: Unknown. May denote high admiralty, or possibly just ceremonial uniform worn by any and all officers. Certainly looks pretty smart. Companions and players often find this as quest rewards at Nar Shaddaa / Tatooine levels.


Purple / purple: Special. As far as I'm aware this only appears on companion gear at high levels, especially for the companions of Sith. It may be that purple/purple tunics are only granted to the personal staff of high ranking Sith. Either way, as far as I know there are no NPCs who wear these colours. Usually worn with white trousers.


Further to this there are different variants of uniform all uniform colours which appear to denote rank. These are:


Simple shirt (no tunic bottom or raised collar): low rank; ensign, private, specialist or similar. As far as I'm aware, not available for players (which is fine because it looks awful).


Basic tunic (raised collar, no shoulder pads): standard ranks, worn by most types of officer, usually when working far away from combat. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the light armour uniform from the Collector's Edition vendor looks like this.


"Combat" tunic (raised collar, shoulder pads, pouch strap): standard ranks, worn by most types of officer. Appears more combat ready, if only because it is worn with a shoulder strap with pouches on it. Commonly available to players in a variety of styles. Often accompanied by a cap.

Heavy collar tunic (raised collar, shoulder pads, pouch strap, armoured collar, braid): high rank uniform, approximately for colonels all the way up to Grand Moffs. The heavy armoured collar piece joins up with the shoulder pads, and a coloured braid (usually red) is worn as well. This is available to players from around level 40 upwards, crafted by armourmech. A customisable version drops from the final boss in the Red Reaper.


Heavy collar shirt (no tunic bottom or raised collar): uses the armoured collar piece on a low-ranked officer's shirt. I don't know if this actually denotes rank, as the combination seems contradictory. I prefer to think of it as "officer-dressed-in-the-dark" uniform.

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Really nice and detailed summary Bobsy! Thanks for all of the information! It looks like I might need to go to hammerstation after all to get that intelligence jacket for my agent. Any sources for the white pants?
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A matching set of customizable white pants drops in Hammer Station as well. (If you also want a matching custom hat, I recommend the one that drops from Madalorian Raiders - grey officer cap with steel jawplate.)


(BTW, I've tried to compile a list of moddable armour that looked like Imperial officer gear, but never bothered to post it on the forums... XP)

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