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Please add PvP Daily Quest terminals to Leveling Planets


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Please have a PvP Daily Quest terminal in the "main" city on each of the Leveling Planets, starting with Coruscant/Dromund Kaas.


It's very time consuming to have to fly all the way back to the Fleet , pick up the daily, go back to the planet I'm questing on, and then if I finish the daily, fly back to the fleet, turn the quest in, and then go back to the planet to continue questing.


Even if I use the Fleet pass, that's still just a one-way trip once a day.


If I pick up the daily and wait on the fleet until I finish it so I don't have to make 2 trips, that could be 2-3 hours that I'm wasting just standing around when I could be leveling.


It would so much easier and convenient to have a PvP Daily quest terminal in the bug city on each planet. It's just a speeder ride away.


Please make this happen.

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