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Suggestion: Legacy weapons


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I've seen a lot of complaining about Legacy weapons, and how useless they are because they're not moddable. I disagree, but I do see where something can be changed: Make the tokens reusable. Make it so that once my sniper is past the point where her rifle is usable, I can send it to my Jedi and turn it into a lightsaber. So many advance classes have their own specific weapon, that isn't used by anyone else. So when my consular was done with her double bladed light saber, it became useless.


I'm not asking for moddable weapons. I can get moddable weapons anywhere. I just wish they were useful more than once, for like 6 levels.


If that can't be done, atleast make the weapon a lvl 10 or 11, so that you can use it right when you get to your capital city,

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i can agree with maybe dropping the level, or even extending the range a little (10 levels vs 6 for example) but not reusable. i know from my own experience they drop like candy for underworld trading, and i have gotten 2 just out doing stuff in the world. i think my alt has a total of 9 tokens (ive gotten 13 total counting the 2 weps for completing stories) just sitting in the bank for my next alt.
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