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jedi forbids love and marriage?


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The original Jedi allowed themselves to have multiple padawans, train adults, and get married. Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma kinda ruined it for everyone. Even during the Clone Wars there were other sects of Jedi, such as those who followed Master Djinn Altis, who followed the older ways, and did not obey the council, but also did not fall to darkness as a result of love and attachment. Several notable Jedi during the Clone Wars WERE members of the Jedi order and had secret romantic relationships, and Ki-Adi-Mundi had special permission from the Council to be a polygamist.

The rigidity of the Council and the Code led a lot of Jedi to disillusionment long before the Clone Wars, which was when most Jedi started to question the direction of the Order and specifically the Council. Using Jedi as generals to "defend" an increasingly oppressive Republic utilizing a slave army? Not exactly the defenders of virtue.

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i dont understand the fear of love. jefi fears something bad going to happen in love


Jedi don't fear love.


They however do know what can happen if a Jedi becomes emotionally attached to someone. It can effect their judgment and can lead to the dark side, out of fear of losing the person or that person can be used against the Jedi...


Vader would of never have existed if Anakin wasn't afraid of losing Amidala. In fact it was his drive to somehow cheat death because of his love for Amidala that lead him to the Dark Side in the first place.


The Jedi do not fear love any more then any rational person fears a handgun.

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One of the more famous accounts of this is when Andur Sunrider a jedi knight killed by gangsters only to have his wife Nomi Sunrider take his light saber and defend her and her child. Nomi Sunrider would latter become one of the most famous jedi masters of the time.


Ah, beat me to it.


Also, let's not forget the Green Jedi/Corellian Jedi. They're known for their familial ties, and the Council may not officially like it, but there's not really anything they can do about it. At least not without casting out a large part of the Order and cheesing off Corellia in the process.

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Ah, beat me to it.


Also, let's not forget the Green Jedi/Corellian Jedi. They're known for their familial ties, and the Council may not officially like it, but there's not really anything they can do about it. At least not without casting out a large part of the Order and cheesing off Corellia in the process.


The Green Jedi might as well be called Grey Jedi, since they are not officially part of the Jedi Order on Tyhon/Coruscant. They protect Corellia and their families. Oh, the Council dislikes ANY Force Users that they can't control. Any "rogue" Force sensitive group is placed on a "watch list" just in case they decide to challenge the Republic or Jedi later on. Also, any Jedi that leave the order are similarly monitored if they leave for any reason the Council finds suspicious. Dooku was an exception, since he left to take over his family estates and governent on his home planet. He managed to convince the other members of the Council that it was in their best interests to let him go. That was the only reason he didn't have anyone keeping a surreptitious eye on him, and was free to join Palpatine.

Edited by Captain_Zone
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