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Eve Online vs SWTOR


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So if Eve is superior to SW:TOR in almost every category, why are you not playing it?


Because some people enjoy both a Sandbox and a Themepark MMO. It's not uncommon for many people, at least that I know, to hold a sub of each type.


They offer two completely different type of gaming experiences of which can both be appreciated by certain people.


For the record (those making wildly inaccurate claims of the average mentality of an EvE player), CCP dropped some miscellaneous statistics about EvE Online a few years ago:

Average player age was 28 yrs old

Male population was 95%

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PVP is nonconsensual even in supposedly secure space. People will suicide attack you (in secure space attackers will get killed by the "space police") to get your stuff.


All PvP in Eve is consensual. You consent when you log in.


For those of you talking about the 200 man "epic" battles, I'll just point to LXQ2-T.

Over 3.2k pilots in system. Yes, I was there. No, it wasn't fun due to "soul crushing lag".

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All PvP in Eve is consensual. You consent when you log in.


For those of you talking about the 200 man "epic" battles, I'll just point to LXQ2-T.

Over 3.2k pilots in system. Yes, I was there. No, it wasn't fun due to "soul crushing lag".


Hah, yes. The point being if you don't like PVP you shouldn't play EVE. :) But a lot of people signed up and didn't know that so my post was more for the benefit of people that never played it. I wasn't bashing EVE either. But it is harsh--it's designed that way. I like EVE, but it takes commitment for me to enjoy it the way I want. Since I like playing other games and EVE started taking too much of my time, I went more casual on EVE. So less combat PVP for me. Note that *everything* is PVP in EVE. The economic and political PVP is actually more brutal: taking out entire corps or alliances with out a shot fired.


As for lag, I've been in some of those lag fests and they are not that fun during the battle, but the results (gaining strategic control, etc.) are. I've been in good sized battles that were not laggy, but they were way smaller than LXQ2-T.

Edited by gwit
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You know what I love about EVE? The fact that every self-described 'hardcore PvPer' in games like WoW and SWtOR talk about it like it was the good old days-- as if it wasn't still online right now.


I doubt that 10% of them played EVE for more than a day or two, and 90% of those were loser, wannabee solo pirates who rage quit the first time they lost everything to a group of *actual* hardcore PvPers.

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Wasn't comparing. Was outlining what I found in Eve in my years of playing it. ;)

And yes, each area is an instance.

If they get full, the gates are shut down.

To get to the next area you have to warp, or load, through a gate.

New area with a wallpaper in the distance.


Can I fly freely?


I am going to fly to the sun at the center of the zone instance.

Uh....that won't work.

You need to warp to it.


The great thing about EVE was it is free roam, and the community and economy was made by the players.


It's a great game, but it's not ground breaking.


It was pretty ground breaking back in '04. As for you flying to the star at the center of the zone (systems are like zones in TOR/WoW, not so much like instances where you're in the same but separate system as another player) well, you could try, it'd take forever even in an interceptor, what with distances in AUs.


Zones getting shut down is pretty rare, albeit my experience is mainly in empire.


One good thing about EVE, is that it teaches you to distrust all strangers.

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I want to know how many people in this thread have ever played EVE, currently play EVE, and what ship they pilot. For me it's have played, not playing now, and piloted the Tengu.


Lol drake all the way! I love the calds ships.

I liked the minne destroyer as well, and the banana boat battle ship.



I think I am 4 weeks from a fully fitted hulk too, and 2 weeks to fully fit banana boat.

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You know what I love about EVE? The fact that every self-described 'hardcore PvPer' in games like WoW and SWtOR talk about it like it was the good old days-- as if it wasn't still online right now.


I doubt that 10% of them played EVE for more than a day or two, and 90% of those were loser, wannabee solo pirates who rage quit the first time they lost everything to a group of *actual* hardcore PvPers.


I never really understood what was so great about EvE PvP. Here's the way I saw it from my vantage point:


Pirates: 10-20 man battleship gang in lowsec waiting on a hisec gate for clueless nubs to jump in. So, you sit around for hours to pick off completely clueless people.


Roaming Gangs: Best kind of PvP available in EvE, but you still had to make 20+ agonizing jumps to find a fight, and then 20+ jumps to get back home. It was easier to suicide against enemy players and many often did.


Fleet Action: Somewhat fun but very time consuming, people had to be ready, on comms, and on standy for hours, often for nothing as fleet commanders changed orders or potential targets escaped or the enemy brought a bigger or more guns to the fight.


All of the above more often thant not, and I mean, 90% of the time, resulted in alot of waiting for nothing. That's what EvE PvP felt like.


Major Fleet Action: 46DP-0 was my first major fleet fight, and it was my last. I believe there were no less than 1100 players in system with dozens of titan and supercaps on the field. 6 hours. I always thought soul crushing lag was something the cool forum kiddies came up with, I never actually knew that was a system message that gets broadcast to you. :eek:


6 hours. Come to find out I had been dead for 3. :rolleyes:


EDIT: To answer some q's, my last days were August of last year. I've been paying since 07 off and on, every time I came back I tried a new aspect but the game has never really grabbed me, I keep coming back to it because sadly its the best of whatever handful of space-based mmo's there are out there. I flew a Drake forever, I <3 missle boats, even if they do generally suck for pvp! Towards the end I was flying Abbadons around, but only in fleet.

Edited by Ituhata
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