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I cant see this bieng able to compete with gw2 after my weekend beta


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First off this isnt a troll thread or gw2 fan thread. This is my view of what i saw this weekend compared to swtors live pvp. Im really concerned and depressed b/c if gw2 was to go live tomorrow based on my weekend beta this game would lose 90% of its pvp playerbase. (please note gw2 live could be different from beta and tank in fairness)


Gw2 has 50vs50 even more in a huge large scale zone tons of castles to capture and hold. Theyve got siege weapons catapults and castle turrets that you can actually shoot and use.


Gw2 instanced pvp - Bolstering that works how it should you get put to cap get full gear and weapons everything. No expertise no chainstunning extremely balanced pvp.


Its very depressing to me that this game has no chance in hell to compete with gw2 pvp. Its not going to happen. Instanced pvp with chainstuns and expertise will not be able to compete with open world pvp in up wards of 50vs50 and more and instanced pvp with REAL bolstering.


James,Gabe,George you need to get this chainstun fest/expertise nonsense fixed/removed and get viable open world pvp and proper bolstering going. All this screwing around youve done has cost you dearly.


Im sure ill hear go gw2 then leave can i have your stuff well that doesnt fix broken sub par pvp in swtor does it?


Im sure ill hear oh youll be back in swtor your just jumping on the cool/next thing bandwagon well that still doesnt fix the broken pvp in swtor it just takes subscribers away


Answer me this how is swtor supose to compete with 50vs50 and higher open world pvp and a game that does what swtor tries to do with instanced pvp and has REAL bolstering in comparison.


How can this game claim to have the best pvp dev team when all we have is the same warzones to do over and over and over to get gear that looks like crap to do more warzones and thats it?


So let me have it but answer the question how is swtor going to compete with 50vs50 and higher large scale open world pvp. Give you more free tauntauns and free months?


I really want this game to suceed but im tired of incompetence,lying and PR spinning things.

Edited by hargrave
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Its very depressing let me tell you swtor will have to make open world pvp equal to or better than that and i dont see it happening do you? You want to see a real warzone with REAL bolstering? My god that game has looked at what swtor has done wrong and has fixed it and REALLY listened to its players. Its the closest your going to get to daoc2 ill tell you that.


Yeah its the main thing i noticed is theres no real big stuns thiers slows but your able to fight and move and have fun its not just you go in and stun stun stun hit medcenter lol.


You want to talk about ttk fights last for hours in that game its the most fun pvp ive experienced in awhile.

Edited by hargrave
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Bolstering works better, and there is world Pvp, but I didn't really find it that great. Also, only 1 type of battleground (with different maps), and some problems with combat / interface/ keymapping ecc... (don't really wanna list them)


It will be indeed a good game, just not good enough for me, I'm happy for the people that will enjoy it :)

Edited by TheNotorius
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It is beta but compare ilum to that open world pvp zone lol


Bolstering works better, and there is world Pvp, but I didn't really find it that great. Also, only 1 type of battleground (with different maps), and some problems with combat / interface/ keymapping ecc... (don't really wanna list them)


It will be indeed a good game, just not good enough for me, I'm happy for the people that will enjoy it :)

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I have seen just as much destruction of that game starting as I saw for SW:TOR when it first started, Lag complains, crashing, bugs, you name it...


Simple fact is that what the MMO community has turned into will not allow for proper development of any MMO.

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Well what i notice is that arena net isnt throwing PR out and saying they have the best pvp team and lying thier butts off like here.They keep thier mouths shut and show actual footage of what they have and let it speak for themselves swtor should have done that instead they just lying and throwing PR trying to cover up. That game has open world REAL open world all we have hear is were waiting on technology? Well gw2 has the technology to do 50vs50 maybe they should use that engine lol


I have seen just as much destruction of that game starting as I saw for SW:TOR when it first started, Lag complains, crashing, bugs, you name it...


Simple fact is that what the MMO community has turned into will not allow for proper development of any MMO.

Edited by hargrave
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