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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Get rid of Huttball


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Completely missing the point but I guess speaking over thinking is your thing.


Sure thing. But I do agree about ability to chose WZs to que. So hate Voidstar, with all my guts. Same stupid as WoW's Strand of the Ancients, but w/out siege vehicles. I feel like I'm gonna avoid soon every Voidstar I can.

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I just love non operatives trying to make out ops are fine in huttball.. Utter joke. Flash bang you say? Err it breaks on damage.... Useless on a ball carrier.


Ops have zero utility worth using in hb... Add to that hb has to be the worst wz for cheating scum. The amount of speeding people... stuttering to the end zone is embarrassing.


Huttball is ALL the class not skill... If you think otherwise you are a force user and full of it.


Disagree, and I play Kaeljen as my main.

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Get rid of "Alderaan Civil War and Voidstar"


* Much better topic.




I play an operative and Huttball is by far my favorite wz. It takes smart play and coordination to succeed and it's an absolute blast when the queue puts skilled preforms in the same match. Huttball is one of the few things that this game has gotten right.


Voidstar on the other hand is a complete joke. When you have two good groups against each other it's rare for either side to ever make it past the first door. Otherwise it's just a mass zerg to one door where whichever team has poor gear/class mix gets obliterated, or bad players get exploited for easy door caps.


Civil War isn't much better, more often than not a match is won or lost in the opening zerg to middle, and good teams won't let the sides get ninja'd.


If I had a choice I wouldn't queue for anything but huttball and NC, and I know every hardcore pvp'er on my server shares the same sentiment. I'm not aware of anyone in my server's pvp community who was happy when 1.2 enabled same faction Voidstar matches.

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Why not give the ability for user to thumbs down one WZ and then use the statistics on that to determine which WZ, if any, should be rotated out? If people really al hate Huttball they'd all thumbs down Huttball. I understand they want variety in WZ and they don't want a team that specializes for only one map, but being able to NOT play on one map should still be sufficient to prevent specialized map specific teams


I'd thumbs down Civil War if I have the option. Voidstar is bad too, but at least it isn't over in the first 30 seconds against a good team one way or another.

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I just love non operatives trying to make out ops are fine in huttball.. Utter joke. Flash bang you say? Err it breaks on damage.... Useless on a ball carrier.


Ops have zero utility worth using in hb... Add to that hb has to be the worst wz for cheating scum. The amount of speeding people... stuttering to the end zone is embarrassing.


Huttball is ALL the class not skill... If you think otherwise you are a force user and full of it.


Seriously. I'm a force user and I have tremendous advantages and I can easily admit it's unfair.

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Receive announcement of PVP match, feel some excitement;

Click join WZ match;

Spash screen map appears shows...

....Huttball map;

Feeling of loathing, disapointment and nausea;

Wait until character arrives... toy with the idea perhaps it will be better this time and not 0-6.

Character arrives... day dream over...

Click WZ exit button.

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^ edit: lolol yes. the skills are called force leap and force pull or whatever



Huttball is a ridiculous idea for a balanced and fun warzone.


You mad that you can't be the all star hero running the ball from endzone to endzone or something? Leaps and pulls are something both sides have to contend with, and if you're the kind of player who just wants to run in and pewpewpew while bragging about crits and damage totals in chat, huttball isn't the game for you.

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You mad that you can't be the all star hero running the ball from endzone to endzone or something? Leaps and pulls are something both sides have to contend with, and if you're the kind of player who just wants to run in and pewpewpew while bragging about crits and damage totals in chat, huttball isn't the game for you.


u mad brah

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You mad that you can't be the all star hero running the ball from endzone to endzone or something? Leaps and pulls are something both sides have to contend with, and if you're the kind of player who just wants to run in and pewpewpew while bragging about crits and damage totals in chat, huttball isn't the game for you.


Way to completely miss the point... my god.

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hey what do ya know. I like huttball.. Guess my class?


I have a sage i pvp on... must be why


I have a sentinal i pvp on... must be why


why do i enjoy it most on my gunslinger?


I have this similar class set on the Imperial side, and I'm 100% in agreement. I love playing my Sniper in Hutt Ball. Marauder is a very close second, and my last - Tank Assassin is boring as hell to play on Hutt Ball (actually PvP in general. Tanksin is far too easy to play for how powerful it is).

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u mad brah


Why would I be mad? I don't have any problems in huttball, my guild fields a very competitive huttball group and I always have a spot as an operative healer or dps, and if my guild preform isn't running I get invites from other preforms constantly.


But hey you know, have fun crying with the other baddies in this thread who can't seem to win a huttball game. Because you know, it's all about class balance, and not their fault for being useless at all.

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Why would I be mad? I don't have any problems in huttball, my guild fields a very competitive huttball group and I always have a spot as an operative healer or dps, and if my guild preform isn't running I get invites from other preforms constantly.


But hey you know, have fun crying with the other baddies in this thread who can't seem to win a huttball game. Because you know, it's all about class balance, and not their fault for being useless at all.


Seriously, get a clue.

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Seriously, get a clue.


Right. I'm the one who needs to get a clue, because I like huttball and win a lot of games...as an operative. Y'know, the class that supposedly sucks because it has no knockbacks, sprint, leap, or pull, and it's all so unfair. Yet here I am, doing just fine.


Every class and spec has their role to play, instead of QQ'ing and blaming losses on unfair abilities, people might want to learn about things like positioning and teamwork instead of thinking they are the most skilled player ever and going all Rambo in huttball. Just like any team sport you're going to have your stars that score lots of goals, but that doesn't mean that the supporting cast is any less important.

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Right. I'm the one who needs to get a clue, because I like huttball and win a lot of games...as an operative. Y'know, the class that supposedly sucks because it has no knockbacks, sprint, leap, or pull, and it's all so unfair. Yet here I am, doing just fine.


Every class and spec has their role to play, instead of QQ'ing and blaming losses on unfair abilities, people might want to learn about things like positioning and teamwork instead of thinking they are the most skilled player ever and going all Rambo in huttball. Just like any team sport you're going to have your stars that score lots of goals, but that doesn't mean that the supporting cast is any less important.


^^ Yep

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Well, personally I just hate this warzone. I'd be a much happier person if I never played it ever again.


yeah its *********** bad man i hate huttball worst warzone and worst pvp game of all time. I would be much happier if i never played it again. We should have the option to choose what warzones we want to exclude from the randomizer!


id check off hutt ball. I will glady do any warzone besides hutt ball. if you get to chose what one you want you will be waiting a LONG time and sooner or later they will introduce and a random pick bonus and you will miss out.

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Already taken care of, thanks.


I can only use scoundrel terminology, but flash grenade is the only AoE stun I can think of off the top of my head, and its 8 seconds - an eternity near the goal line.


Further as a scoundrel healer you can do amazing things in Huttball. WHILE MOVING with the ball carrier - something no other class can do - you can keep the target up with a stackable HoT, a mobile AoE HoT, and a spammable, potentially infinite instant cast heal that can hold him from the brink of death for quite a while if he is also guarded.


Yes, knocking the Operative off the scaffolds will cause him to be ineffective, as will knocking any other class off. Though, in an organized group a healer who was keeping the BC up would be a priority for any sage or sorc to pull back to the pack.


Operative is a melee class, so of course their abilities are melee. I wish my scoundrel has a long range interrupt, but she doesn't. That's fine, she's melee; she has other things that make her valuable. The sorc has a long ranged mezz - big deal. One of the bigger mistake people make in Huttball is dropping that mezz on the BC so that his resolve fills up and he can walk to the goal line unmolested. In any case, like I said, it's all about doing your job. A Sorc can mezz the BC from 30m if it's really, truly called for. An Op can stun all of his protection for 8 seconds.


When I carry the ball, I'll tell you it's a lot less scary to be mezzed so that as soon as I take any damage I am free again WITH a nearly full resolve bar, then to have all of my protection blinded so that the rest of the opposing team is free to wail on me for as long as their CC breakers are down.


Flash bang is a mez, with 10m range on a scoundrel that breaks on damage and nearly fills the resolve bar. And no, it's not the only AOE mez either (guardians have one, vanguards have one, etc). Just more misinformation, thanks for the contribution to the thread.

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Flash bang is a mez, with 10m range on a scoundrel that breaks on damage and nearly fills the resolve bar. And no, it's not the only AOE mez either (guardians have one, vanguards have one, etc). Just more misinformation, thanks for the contribution to the thread.


Of course it's a mezz. You and everyone else in this thread have seemed to be using the term "stun" generically, so I continued that practice. Please also note that I said it was the only one I could think of at the time, not that it was the only one. Someone else noted two others, and I thanked him for his helped - with sincerity intended.


I'm not trying to be combative here, so I am disappointed with your less than kind tone. As for the actual content of our posts, so far I have provided a plethora of examples and information, to which you have responded with nothing more than - with one exception - unsubstantiated claims of misinformation.


Huttball requires strategy. It requires playing a positional, selfless, team-oriented game - just like athletic sports. Another operative has already come into this thread and explained that he does quite well in Huttball by trying to play the game correctly.


As opposed to this, the "anti-Huttball crowd" simply cries imbalance while rejecting calls to attempt to play in the positional, team-oriented style that myself, that operative, and others have cited as being the proper and winning strategy for any class.

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Right. I'm the one who needs to get a clue, because I like huttball and win a lot of games...as an operative. Y'know, the class that supposedly sucks because it has no knockbacks, sprint, leap, or pull, and it's all so unfair. Yet here I am, doing just fine.


Every class and spec has their role to play, instead of QQ'ing and blaming losses on unfair abilities, people might want to learn about things like positioning and teamwork instead of thinking they are the most skilled player ever and going all Rambo in huttball. Just like any team sport you're going to have your stars that score lots of goals, but that doesn't mean that the supporting cast is any less important.


So what exactly is your role? Healing against pugs too dumb to stun you or hit you with a knock back?

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