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How we get commando to be fixed

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Ok so this is my idea, it's pretty simple and I kinda stole it from another game I played. But anyway I digress. So anyone who feels commando is currently broken, as I do should add /Fix Commando to their signature, and/or write /Fix Commando at the end of any post they make to bring attention to the issue.


/Fix Commando

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Sure, right next to my Kony2012 signature.




No. Unfortunately no amount of signatures or facebook likes will resolve anything. (Not that I believe there is a problem.) This reminds me of people who throw generalities like "fix the economy" around.


To be taken seriously:

First, prove in some capacity that a problem does exist.

Second, identify the root of the problem.

Third, put forth a solution.

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To be taken seriously:

First, prove in some capacity that a problem does exist.


I think this has been proven through the combat logs and more. This is not a QQ situation over being nerfed, but a viability issue.

I would like to see the 'proof' that BW used in taking the nerfing steps in the first place, but apparently that was not needed by anybody other than those playing commando.


Second, identify the root of the problem.


There are actually several problems that came from the root problem of being nerfed. Many of the nerf issues have been documented by BW, but many dealing with armor and HP have not been stated.


We are still dependent on Grav round. We were told the nerf was to make it so we didn't rely on spamming grav round. If that was their intention, they failed. If they intended to neuter DPS then they were successful. Was this cut to our DPS needed? That depends on that mystical missing proof that was not given by BW.


I am only talking about DPS because that is what I know, but from what I hear the medic is also screwed.


In the beginning we were a hard hitting turret that could take a punch but lacked mobility and were easily foiled by LOS, and stuns/cc. Now we lack punch, lack staying power through armor/HP, still have the same liabilities as before. We can now only be said to add ranged DPS. woop


Third, put forth a solution.

Many solutions have been put forth, but in the end it depends on the developer to agree to a solution that fits their intent, and that takes an effort to make the developer to realize there is a problem.


Unfortunately, you are correct as nothing the commando community does will effect change. Frankly the game has many more serious problems other than commandos being useless. Reroll or leave the game is the only options open to the commando main.

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There is a PvE parse thread that shows Commandos with similarly equipped groups doing just fine in the DPS department. That is after the significant Grav Round nerf, so yes I would say there was a DPS discrepancy with Grav Round prior to 1.2.

I prefer nerf balance to buff everyone else balance so this is good.


I agree that gunnery is still just spamming Grav Round. Its boring to play and there's no skill ceiling to push forward.

I don't believe a nerf or a buff is in order, just some synergy put into place with other abilities to create some necessity to weave attacks in a more meaningful way.

Not for balance's sake, but to make the class fun and give some room for skilled players to really shine.


I have never really healed much so I won't speak to a topic that I don't have any point of reference for.

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is courios how you keep saying that commandos are only grav round spammer...


is like say that sorcerer is a lighting spammer.


was a fact that bad commandos were only spam grav round like bad sorcer were only spam lighting.

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I totally agree with redcom, dying way too fast to do damage unless protected and healed on, and still have the same weaknesses as before. i think those weaknesses were the balance to our giant gun and damage, and now its just all bad. im still keeping my guy cuz i'm hoping they realize it needs a fix. but i've also already rerolled a different 50 that i'm more active on now.
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There is a PvE parse thread that shows Commandos with similarly equipped groups doing just fine in the DPS department. That is after the significant Grav Round nerf, so yes I would say there was a DPS discrepancy with Grav Round prior to 1.2.

I prefer nerf balance to buff everyone else balance so this is good.


I agree that gunnery is still just spamming Grav Round. Its boring to play and there's no skill ceiling to push forward.

I don't believe a nerf or a buff is in order, just some synergy put into place with other abilities to create some necessity to weave attacks in a more meaningful way.

Not for balance's sake, but to make the class fun and give some room for skilled players to really shine.


I have never really healed much so I won't speak to a topic that I don't have any point of reference for.


This. Our guild DPS Commando is still near the top of every raid, in terms of damage, and my Healing Commando still heals just as strongly as I did before. The patch changed a lot, but it didn't make us inept, in any way. It *should* make you rethink strategies and plan new ones.


Combat logs that show reduced damage are pointless, since that could just mean the DPS wasn't adapting to the changes, or the bosses he was fighting put up different defensive abilities, or there were LoS problems, or...fill in the blanks. Unless you have 2 identical fights (which is impossible), the comparisons are useless. I have plenty of combat logs where the DPS Commando is doing just as much damage as he was before.


And on the topic, OP, your plan will go nowhere. If you want to instill change, write up a request for the devs instead of waste board space.

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