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Pyrotechs - what are your attributes? (PVP)


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Trying to get a feel for where I'm at on my gear. Took a break from the game and trying to grind up for war hero gear. Want to get a feel for where I am compared to most of the other pyro's. Any tips on what I should focus on boosting would be appreciated.


My focus is power>crit>surge.


These are completely unbuffed:


AIM - 1335



359 bonus damage

103% accuracy

23% crit chance

62% crit multiplier



662 bonus damage

113.46% accuracy

27% crit chance

62% crit multiplier

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You still want to stack crit>surge>power to maintain burst damage from rail shots etc.


crit to 375 (30%)

surge to 300 (75%)


Then stack power. Accuracy can be ignored out of hand since you'll get enough from gear that you won't be gimped in any fashion for strictly pvp.

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Accuracy can be ignored out of hand since you'll get enough from gear that you won't be gimped in any fashion for strictly pvp.


Not so sure of that. Here's the thing - most Merc Pyro's have ranged accuracy of around 103-4%. Now compare that to what is increasingly becoming your most common adversary - Mara/Sent. They typically have 5% defense. So your hit percentage is still under 100%. And that's if they do not have defensive buffs up. And that's with your mainhand. Your offhand is worse. The problem here is that misses matter a LOT vs. that enemy type. A miss triggers Retaliation/Riposte. Which means that attacking that enemy suddenly caused YOU more damage than it did to HIM. This is a big problem considering the multi-attack resolution system used for Merc Pyros. Your chance of generating a miss (and thus Retaliation/Riposte) with Accuracy of 103% is around 90% with Rapid Shots for example. Yes, 90% due to the multi-attack system. Mercs as a subclass are thus further gimped because they need to spend some of their stat budget on Accuracy.

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Not so sure of that. Here's the thing - most Merc Pyro's have ranged accuracy of around 103-4%. Now compare that to what is increasingly becoming your most common adversary - Mara/Sent. They typically have 5% defense. So your hit percentage is still under 100%. And that's if they do not have defensive buffs up. And that's with your mainhand. Your offhand is worse. The problem here is that misses matter a LOT vs. that enemy type. A miss triggers Retaliation/Riposte. Which means that attacking that enemy suddenly caused YOU more damage than it did to HIM. This is a big problem considering the multi-attack resolution system used for Merc Pyros. Your chance of generating a miss (and thus Retaliation/Riposte) with Accuracy of 103% is around 90% with Rapid Shots for example. Yes, 90% due to the multi-attack system. Mercs as a subclass are thus further gimped because they need to spend some of their stat budget on Accuracy.


Mara/Sent is a problem on so many fronts....


First, let's remember our Tech damage will have +10% accuracy over Ranged so our IM/TD are safe, and when we talk misses we're mostly discussing rapid shots, unload and rail shot (oh how I wish rail shot was tech damage). Now we really don't want to miss with rail shot but I have had no trouble like you said keeping accuracy around 101-102% minimum without any effort.


There has been discussions about this point and whether or not you should use Rapid Shots against the classes you mention...some valid points have been made. Your attempt to kite them with CGC is weighed against the misses you generate that triggers their abilities. True to a point...this argument is subjective as it really only accounts for 1v1 situations against one particular class.


Would I stack any amount of accuracy so I do better in 1v1 against one particular class, when crit/surge/power are good against all classes? No, I would not. For me, and again this is as much opinion as anything else, accuracy is a pve stat for boss fights, etc.


We have to adapt around what we're given. I would be one to promote a change in play style more than a change in gear. Think twice about firing Rapid Shots at the classes in question and be ready to avoid 1v1 with them if you didn't get a clear jump on them. That's a must. An offhand miss on a Marauder is the least of our problems if they get the jump on us.


Like I said, I promote modding crit/surge til you hit your soft caps then stacking up power in augments and the like especially. Besides it's very easy to hit your soft caps with WH gear and a minimal juggle with full BM gear.

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