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why break something that was not hurting anyone


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How come slicing took another hit. Now I am losing credits when doing slicing missions. When slicing took its first nerf I still made money just not as fast. Now there is no point to the slicing missions as I constantly lose credits now so please return slicing as a way to make credits like it was before 1.2 oh and stop breaking things
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taking slicing cripled you with other skills for resource gathering. I used slicing as I was leveling up but then realized I needed reosurces more than the credit boxes as I was not finding the resources I needed on the GTN. So there were resons not to take slicing. The returns were small and there was no getting rich quick with you average return being 500 to 1000 credits per 30 minute mission and you still lost money from time to time. There are not enough dailies to make credits at a decent rate and there are not mission terminals to grind credits and the actual crafting economy is not lucrative it is sad if they are swinging the nerf bat this early it is going to be another SWG and they are going to kill the game.
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Slicing is still one of the best if not the best pure money making profs going, but you have to go out and look for lockbox's. Doing this evens out the impact on the economy, we cant simply expect to sit on the fleet sending out 5 companions who bring back 2-3k profit each every 20 mins.


And if you have 8 chars doing this with 40 companions by log in send comps log onto another and rinse repeat It unbalances the economy.

Edited by Shingara
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no I dont have the time to spend hours and hours playing a game and the dailies get boring I would like a little variety or something a little different. My thing is if you are going to make it where alls you do is loose credits remove the missions and make it so you can get companion gifts so there is some sort of return on the investment of the mission not just losing credits. I am not saying I want something for nothing so relax
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People seem to be comparing apples and oranges. Maybe slicing overall is profitable, but the OP is talking about creation of lock boxes by a companion.


Maybe there is money to be made, wandering the world collecting lock boxes.

Maybe there is money to be had, making tech parts and selling them on the GTN.




If the average rewards for a range, or even specific lock box creation task is a loss. Then why include the ability?


I've not tracked the numbers. I've not seen anyone else's analysis. But crafting lockboxes means that you're not doing something else. So even if there is a tiny profit, it's still not enough to balance out lack of doing that other thing.


Unless people think spending 1250cr to craft a 1200cr lockbox is fun?

For that matter, crafting a 1200cr lockbox for 1150cr isn't much better. Sure it's a profit. But not enough of one.


Since lockboxes are there to generate credits and IF the overall average is a loss or even a minor profit. Take them out of the crew tasks list. Because if it's not working, remove it and just leave lockbox gathering instead.

Edited by Woetoo
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Slicing is still one of the best if not the best pure money making profs going, but you have to go out and look for lockbox's. Doing this evens out the impact on the economy, we cant simply expect to sit on the fleet sending out 5 companions who bring back 2-3k profit each every 20 mins.


And if you have 8 chars doing this with 40 companions by log in send comps log onto another and rinse repeat It unbalances the economy.


What level do you unlock sending out 5 companions? was it 49 or 50. I wasn't paying attention at that point to my CS....


If somebody has 8 characters, level 50, then I can care less how they make their money. They have earned it... If it is true that doing every daily, which takes 2 hours, nets you ~250-300k, then in 6 hours they can make almost a million bucks every day.

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People seem to be comparing apples and oranges. Maybe slicing overall is profitable, but the OP is talking about creation of lock boxes by a companion.


Maybe there is money to be made, wandering the world collecting lock boxes.

Maybe there is money to be had, making tech parts and selling them on the GTN.




If the average rewards for a range, or even specific lock box creation task is a loss. Then why include the ability?


I've not tracked the numbers. I've not seen anyone else's analysis. But crafting lockboxes means that you're not doing something else. So even if there is a tiny profit, it's still not enough to balance out lack of doing that other thing.


Unless people think spending 1250cr to craft a 1200cr lockbox is fun?

For that matter, crafting a 1200cr lockbox for 1150cr isn't much better. Sure it's a profit. But not enough of one.


Since lockboxes are there to generate credits and IF the overall average is a loss or even a minor profit. Take them out of the crew tasks list. Because if it's not working, remove it and just leave lockbox gathering instead.


What other CS has a "go out and make me money button."? None. They all take heavy, heavy losses.


With mission discovery and everything else, it is VERY easy to make money off of slicing. There is a reason it is on 2 of my alts.... They have more money than my main.

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The point of the lockbox missions isn't to get money from the lock boxes, those just make losing more worthwhile. The real point is the mission discoveries. Doing level 4 and 5 mlockbox runs, I can generally sell the level 4 blue missions for 7500 a piece and the 5 blues for 10K a piece. And the level 4 purples go for 10K and the 5's go for 20K. So there is money to be made, it just takes a little longer
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