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Some players bail too easy in PvP


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I just got out of a hutball game where we started with 8 players and after a couple minutes the other team(imps) scored ONE point and litterally half the team left.


I have noticed other times when the other team gets ahead and a teamate will start crying and telling eveyone they suck and then quit. I even had a guy yelling at our team, saying we sucked and quit - even though we were ahead and ended up wining the round.


To those who quit a match because you get behind and MIGHT lose - YOU ARE SELFISH.

Stay playing to help the team make a comeback, and earn some XP. I have at times earned more XP from a loss because I didnt give up and tried hard to the END.

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You are quite heavily rewarded by being selfish like that by not having any chance of your time being wasted; the "rewards" for losing are pitiful in PvP, so it's not surprising people would rather take the time they'd waste in there and instead use it doing something more productive for their character.
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I just got out of a hutball game where we started with 8 players and after a couple minutes the other team(imps) scored ONE point and litterally half the team left.


I have noticed other times when the other team gets ahead and a teamate will start crying and telling eveyone they suck and then quit. I even had a guy yelling at our team, saying we sucked and quit - even though we were ahead and ended up wining the round.


To those who quit a match because you get behind and MIGHT lose - YOU ARE SELFISH.

Stay playing to help the team make a comeback, and earn some XP. I have at times earned more XP from a loss because I didnt give up and tried hard to the END.


learn to go for the enemy ball carrior and not have it scored in the first 1min of the game. plain and simple stop playing the game like its call of duty...

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learn to go for the enemy ball carrior and not have it scored in the first 1min of the game. plain and simple stop playing the game like its call of duty...


So you are this perfect player who has never lost a match or had a score against you. WOW you are amazing!

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Not to mention if it's a premade versus a mediocre PUG it's unlikely you'll do much.


I don't say anything, but I will leave if the PUG is just not playing the objective at all and shows no signs of either caring or being able to do something. I will also leave if it's somebody that is a jerk and is insulting the rest of us or otherwise being annoying.


But I will stay if I get at least 5 medals by the 4th goal and it looks like the other team is going to score the next 2 goals quickly. That'll usually give you at least 50 comms, and at 5 minutes or less that's actually a competitive comm rate/time invested.


You can call people selfish and whine all you want, I don't play for other people and I have no duty to enhance your experience. I'm here only for mine. If you want people that won't leave, get a premade and queue up with them no matter what. Once 8 man queues are up (maybe by the end of the year) you won't even have to worry about a PUG teammate dropping, since you can find 7 others that share your desires and philosophies.

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So you are this perfect player who has never lost a match or had a score against you. WOW you are amazing!


ahh i didnt say that i said stop playing like its CoD and maybe ppl wont leave cause thier actully playing the objetive and not a crapy deathmatch. but really whos gonna do that the score board makes ppls head swell.

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Not to mention if it's a premade versus a mediocre PUG it's unlikely you'll do much.


I don't say anything, but I will leave if the PUG is just not playing the objective at all and shows no signs of either caring or being able to do something. I will also leave if it's somebody that is a jerk and is insulting the rest of us or otherwise being annoying.


But I will stay if I get at least 5 medals by the 4th goal and it looks like the other team is going to score the next 2 goals quickly. That'll usually give you at least 50 comms, and at 5 minutes or less that's actually a competitive comm rate/time invested.


You can call people selfish and whine all you want, I don't play for other people and I have no duty to enhance your experience. I'm here only for mine. If you want people that won't leave, get a premade and queue up with them no matter what. Once 8 man queues are up (maybe by the end of the year) you won't even have to worry about a PUG teammate dropping, since you can find 7 others that share your desires and philosophies.


I understand your point and maybe PvP isn't your favorite thing, but I enjoy it off and on as a different pace to the game. My top toon is only 47 so don't know much about 50. What I don't enjoy is when players give up too easy and we get outnumbered for NO GOOD REASON.

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ahh i didnt say that i said stop playing like its CoD and maybe ppl wont leave cause thier actully playing the objetive and not a crapy deathmatch. but really whos gonna do that the score board makes ppls head swell.


I don't believe you were there - so knowing that we played it like COD makes you a Psychic. See, you are Amazing.

You missed one thing - it wasn't 1 minute. It was after two. So i guess your not totally amazing.:D

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most players bail so easily because they have gotten sick and tired of the obscenely bad pugs in this game


Perhaps, but it does not change my opinion.

To me its just a game for fun, and there are too many "sore loser gamers" who take it all too serious.

"my team sucks so im outta here, boo hoo" If the shoe fits...if not...

Everyone has to be THE BEST. I know I am average at best and still have lots to improve. I can still have fun win or lose.


Perhaps there needs to be a way to seperats PUGs from Premades.

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Perhaps, but it does not change my opinion.

To me its just a game for fun, and there are too many "sore loser gamers" who take it all too serious.

"my team sucks so im outta here, boo hoo" If the shoe fits...if not...

Everyone has to be THE BEST. I know I am average at best and still have lots to improve. I can still have fun win or lose.


Perhaps there needs to be a way to seperats PUGs from Premades.


its not about being a poor sport or anything. it is very annoying that a HUGE amount of players are clueless on how to play this game. as soon as it is apparent that my warzone is filled with players like this, im outta there. no reason for me to waste my time trying to explain the game to them while we lose; most of them just get angry when you offer advice anyways.


ranked warzones were the solution to this. bioware fubar'd that up pretty solid.

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I see your point but if good players like yourself stuck around more then that will help others get better and get some more wins. As I said, I get pretty good XP even with a loss, if the whole team stays and works hard. Players get better by experience but if the better players bail, then the new players get discouraged and quit and never get better.


The matches will get better if good players stop bailing.

AND sometimes you lose because the other team was a little bit better NOT because your team STANK.

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I love the reasons in this thread why they leave a warzone, pretty darn pathetic.

I call it excuses and these types of players need a deserter buff as soon as the ego makes them feel superior to everyone else and leaves the mess they created for someone else to clean up for them.


Catch my drift?

Edited by Caeliux
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I think part of the problem that i see is that many Republics are tired of losing alot to the many groups of Imperials and to top it off the Imperials rub Republics noses in it sometimes,but even on my server with a healthy amount of Repubs the sheer gear inbalance is getting old coupled with the Imperials rolling a few premades often.


How a Imperial from my server can say that he or she is a hardcore PvP'er or very good and play Imperial is beyond me when he or she knows that more than likely 75% of their team has the other team outgeared,it defys all logic,but have no fear many Repubs are starting to quit and it will be Imperial vs Imperial in time.


SWTOR the Factions killed by BW and the kids who wanted to be Darth Whatever.

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Well it's the truth,these Imperials across many servers that out gear the Republics and post stuff "You can get gear ,just do your dailys" Oh you mean the dailys that can take 2 to 3 hours or more if your Republic?


Really how long do you think people are gonna que to get stomped by you and your premades so you guys can gear up even more and then sit there and dance on turrets etc because you wiped a team that was far undergeared than you weekly?


I find the playerbase really pathetic to be honest,because if the majority are ok with this,then thats says alot on how far PvPing has fallen,there should be no rated imo,why? so that immature Imperials can stroke their e-peen and pat eachother on the back and Republics exist just so that these misfits can have fun? hell BW should be paying me and other fellow Repubs that have stuck this out for providing entertainment for the their kiddys base,they helped with everything as it stands anyhow.

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I love the reasons in this thread why they leave a warzone, pretty darn pathetic.

I call it excuses and these types of players need a deserter buff as soon as the ego makes them feel superior to everyone else and leaves the mess they created for someone else to clean up for them.


Catch my drift?


while many players do fit this category, there are a lot that feel the same way i do. i do not feel like performing well in a warzone only to have what i do completely wiped out by someone doing something obnoxiously dumb on my team.


honestly, i would take the deserter debuff over playing through a warzone with incompetents.


yes there are plenty of times when a little hard work and some direction can turn a warzone around. but as soon as its obvious that the players in the warzone are incapable of contributing enough to produce a win, im gonzo.

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I just got out of a hutball game where we started with 8 players and after a couple minutes the other team(imps) scored ONE point and litterally half the team left.


I have noticed other times when the other team gets ahead and a teamate will start crying and telling eveyone they suck and then quit. I even had a guy yelling at our team, saying we sucked and quit - even though we were ahead and ended up wining the round.


To those who quit a match because you get behind and MIGHT lose - YOU ARE SELFISH.

Stay playing to help the team make a comeback, and earn some XP. I have at times earned more XP from a loss because I didnt give up and tried hard to the END.


#1 Many of us who started imp LOATHE huttball because for a very long time after launch, it was ALL WE SAW.


#2 Many of us, even when running a pre-made, start seeing the same four other people in our group. After several matches where we watch these idiots play deathmatch or run the ball out from our endzone rather than reset it after watching them NOT fighting on doors in VS or on cap points in CW, we realize that while we're in a pre-made, we can't always carry the other four if the opposing team, pre-made or not, has a collective IQ somewhere above a kumquat. This is especially frustrating when the other four are sub 20's and the opposing team is 30+.

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while many players do fit this category, there are a lot that feel the same way i do. i do not feel like performing well in a warzone only to have what i do completely wiped out by someone doing something obnoxiously dumb on my team.


honestly, i would take the deserter debuff over playing through a warzone with incompetents.


yes there are plenty of times when a little hard work and some direction can turn a warzone around. but as soon as its obvious that the players in the warzone are incapable of contributing enough to produce a win, im gonzo.


Very well put.

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I think part of the problem that i see is that many Republics are tired of losing alot to the many groups of Imperials and to top it off the Imperials rub Republics noses in it sometimes,but even on my server with a healthy amount of Repubs the sheer gear inbalance is getting old coupled with the Imperials rolling a few premades often.


How a Imperial from my server can say that he or she is a hardcore PvP'er or very good and play Imperial is beyond me when he or she knows that more than likely 75% of their team has the other team outgeared,it defys all logic,but have no fear many Repubs are starting to quit and it will be Imperial vs Imperial in time.


SWTOR the Factions killed by BW and the kids who wanted to be Darth Whatever.


Fun that you say that, on my server we are dominated by the rep´s Premades and if you see them you kinda know that leaving the game is best, which is round about 80% of the games.


@ topic


The problem isnt so much good and bad players, its the imbalance that you can see quite fast.


1. There is no role queue, so you can end up with many tanks and dps, but no healers --> loss

2. A premade will face a pug ---> loss

3. You have players of 13-15khp vs. 20k+ hp --> loss


The same bad design wow has and even with a 30 min deserter people tend to afk a lot there or just afk until the end of the game. What BW should do is add a filter while queueing, so that people enter a game that they can win, rather than entering games which are lost allready due imbalance.

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If my team shows an abject level of incompetence I leave. If they are inexperienced or out geared but good tesm players and focused on the objectives, I stay.


I will never carry players who simply don't care. Luckily on Fatman, the reps are often pretty good.

Edited by Pathlight-
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You are quite heavily rewarded by being selfish like that by not having any chance of your time being wasted; the "rewards" for losing are pitiful in PvP, so it's not surprising people would rather take the time they'd waste in there and instead use it doing something more productive for their character.


The "rewards" for quitting are much worse than the rewards for losing.

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Fun that you say that, on my server we are dominated by the rep´s Premades and if you see them you kinda know that leaving the game is best, which is round about 80% of the games.


@ topic


The problem isnt so much good and bad players, its the imbalance that you can see quite fast.


1. There is no role queue, so you can end up with many tanks and dps, but no healers --> loss

2. A premade will face a pug ---> loss

3. You have players of 13-15khp vs. 20k+ hp --> loss


The same bad design wow has and even with a 30 min deserter people tend to afk a lot there or just afk until the end of the game. What BW should do is add a filter while queueing, so that people enter a game that they can win, rather than entering games which are lost allready due imbalance.


1. I have been in plenty of matches where we had no healer and totally dominated the other team that had 2 or more heals.

2. Depends on the premade and depends on the pugs.

3. Depends on how they got those HP. If someone has mostly DPB BM gear, but not fully decked out yet, they may not have 15k HP but will still do much better than the guy in rakatta gear with 20k.

Edited by HelinCarnate
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