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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Please Fix this class


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It can be annoying to be in the process of stealthing up to someone only to get knocked out before you get there. I've started to taking a wide birth when approaching someone to avoid these as possible which helps but its annoying as hell because it takes more time to get to your target. I understand why AoE, Dots, etc knock us out of it but dang nabbit it is annoying lol. :wea_02:
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Title of the thread should really be "Please fix stealth". I personally don't like the damage complaints; Ops is working out great for me, and I'm a concealment spec. That said, I do play exclusively PvP, so the numbers work out a little differently than in PvE.


Stealth, however, is a problem across the board. I too suffer from random unstealthing, and I am often frustrated to get spotted dozens of yards away by people many levels lower than I am. I understand that stealth is one of those mechanics that can be frustrating and game breaking, but in its current form, it just isn't helping us out as much as it should be.


Please. It's an all too useful get out of jail free card. :eek:

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Again, if stealth is working as intended then we need buffs in other areas (either survivability or gap closing) to compensate for it. We are an extremely squishy class.


We shouldn't be forced to hovering around the edges of a warzone waiting for some half dead player to run by so we can get a quick kill.

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