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Cannon Character Classes


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So you're saying that Luke chose Shadow as his AC and specced for Tanking? :D

Maybe he never opened his gear bag and found the Double-bladed Saber. That's happened to me and my friends a few times....


In all seriousness, here are my ideas on Canon Charachter classes:

-Han Solo = Scoundrel (Specced into Dirty Fighting, he's not known for Stealth. :D )

-Lando = Scoundrel

-Vader = Juggernaught (Definite Tank, here, at least in Return of the Jedi. In Empire he just out-leveled Luke by too much for it to matter.)

-Palpatine = Scorcerer (Lightning and Madness all the way, here.)

-Maul = Assassin (His trainer didn't offer lightning upgrades, probably kept them to himself.)

-Jango Fett = Arsenal-spec Mercenary

-Boba Fett = Powertech

-Obi-Wan = Guardian (Tank-spec, lost his fight against Vader in A New Hope because of bad gear.)

-Anakin Skywalker (Clone Wars-era) = Guardian (Tank-spec, that's why, as someone said before, the fight in Revenge of the Sith took so long.)

-Yoda = Telekinesis-spec Sage

-Mace Windu = Either a Sentinel who forgot to open his bag, or a DPS-spec Guardian

-Leia (pre-Force) = Operative/Scoundrel

-Padme = Operative/Scoundrel

-Kyle Katarn = Gunslinger-Scoundrel-Vanguard-Commando-Guardian-Sentinel-Shadow-Sage. He is all of them and more.


lol at the maul and obi wancomments. Though i would say anakin is a sentinel who never equipped his offhand. Or a dps speccd guardian.


Windu seems more like guardian with a dps/tank hybrid. Or he's a 50 hacking to fight in the lower level bracket and his gear just makes him seem like dps.

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