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Unacceptable PVP Issues


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1.) Dead server gear progression. So...when Rated WZs start the groups from heavy pop servers will have gear advantage??? 1 hr to lose a wz on a dead server? GG BW.


2.) Faction imbalances: mirror abilities favor Imps. Why is this still an issue??? GG BW.


3.) Why haven't Warriors/Knights been nerfed yet? Trying to make people unsub??? GG BW.


4.) Why are there so many useless specs? Useless classes even? Is that meant to make people to re-roll??? GG BW.


5.) My biggest issue....end game pvp in this game is waiting on fleet for a wz to pop? BORING. This game needs 1 or 2 open pvp lvl 50 zones....with a common entrance and no safe zones. 4 warzones over and over and over ad nauseum??? GG BW.


This game has potential to be epic win.....don't intentionally be epic fail.


Its Friday primetime. My faction has 50 people logged in. WZs are a 2 hour wait. If I can't pvp in game....ima pvp on the forums. :)

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1. Tab target. Three guys within thirty meters in front of me, one of them at ten percent health. PRESS TAB SEVEN TIMES! Good game.


2. Weird spazzing out then disappearing/reappearing. Knock a guy off a catwalk. He spazzes out on the ground then reappears five seconds later. Where is he now? Back on the catwalk. Ground level but twenty feet away. On a different catwalk. It's different every time! How fun!


3. Click on release mouse targeting. Oh tabs not working I'll just click oh I got someone else oh that's not who I wanted either

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