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Do you play other games?


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One thing I thought was that maybe some of you dont really play other games. I suppose if this was the only game I played every little negative thing about it would start to grate on me. I admit that there are times when I have to stop playing this game due to the bugs or the community or whatever, but when that happens theres always another game to play (or movie to watch, etc.). Heck, theres hundreds of things to do, but this isn't a "go out and get a life" post. I'm not talking about quality time with the family or housework, I'm talking about that time you set aside for yourself to do whatever you want.


SO the question is: Do you play other games? Do you have other hobbies besides SWTOR? Please don't list other MMOs....you're really just doing the same thing there as you are here. I'm talking about other genres of games, even tabletop/board games. Even for those of you who aren't mad gamers and only play 8-10 hours a week, do you only play SWTOR or do you have other ways to occupy your free time?

Edited by Notannos
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This is currently the only game I play. That;s is by choice, because it's the only one I am interested in right now.

I love the game, see the grand potential, and will support it as long as I can in terms of fun and sheer enjoyment.


That said, I'll be the first to post about a broken or ridiculous aspect of the game.

Usually those crippled aspects that I and others post up are actual problems that Bioware acknowledges and later fixes in a patch.


Constructive criticism and suggestions are integral to the growth and stabilization of any game.


One thing I thought was that maybe some of you dont really play other games.


That's more of a plus in Biowares favor, not a minus.

If people only want to play their game, you can bet they'd be sure to make it as "playable" as possible.


They want customers that devoted.


- DH

Edited by Diet-Hutt
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I'm mostly an MMO gamer, so by your standards, no I don't play other games lol.

I only play PC games for one and I'm social for another, so I enjoy games with lots of people. :]


I do, however, have other hobbies than games.

I'm an artist, so when I'm not gaming in my free time, I'm probably drawing.

I livestream art sessions and even have a little corner of the net reserved for commissions.

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I don't play tons of games. Generally, if I'm playing games it's on my NES or SNES. I do play games on Steam occasionally, but it's generally only until I complete them. As for other things that occupy my time, I'm in a few bands. So at times I spend a great deal of time writing, playing, or recording music. Yesterday I only played TOR for about 30 minutes to an hour because I needed to get some work on a song done and that occupied most of the free time I had. :p
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Do you play other games?

Not currently. I usually only devote myself to one game at a time. I have Rift installed, but if I play it I will likely put SWTOR's sub on hold while I do. Perhaps at the end of summer. But I'll be back if I do venture off to Rift for a vacation.


Do you have other hobbies besides SWTOR?

My other hobbies do not include gaming. The only games I play are MMOs, and as mentioned above, usually only one at a time. I do have many non-gaming hobbies. Yoga. Hiking. I garden. Currently am in the process of moving a ton of river rock around my yard, digging up a brick patio and re-purposing the brick on a hill as a retaining wall, planting trees, growing herbs and melons. I read. I blog. I crochet and occasionally paint :p


Even for those of you who aren't mad gamers and only play 8-10 hours a week...

I play swtor perhaps 8-10 hours a week (rather than the 40+ hours in my SWG and EQ2 days); often I'll play less than that. Sometimes I'll go an entire week and not log in at all (also unheard of in the past).

This is mainly by choice and partially by SWTOR's design. I limit my gaming time on purpose, but also this game lacks that MMO vibe that keeps me in a game for hours at a time (I call this "downtime within the game"... housing, an interesting crafting system, richly social elements, exploration off "The Path," etc.).


Happily, MMOs are back in the realm of healthy entertainment. So, while I can be a little disappointed that the game certainly did not meet all my expectations, it isn't the end of the world like it would have been back when mmos were my world .




I should add as an edit that the level of negativity I have felt stems almost entirely from my own lofty expectations, both of what an MMO should be, and ... well... it's Star Wars! I had (have?) extremely high hopes for this game.

Edited by Lunazen
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