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If 1.3 Isn't Out by May - Will You Unsub?


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After trying out GW2 beta today... I don't think I'm leaving TOR any time soon. GW2 is exceptionally boring- and in WvWvW- my server was already imbalanced something like 60k v 8k v 8k in world pvp objective points- with one server owning the map massively- and with their 'you only get one server' rule, rolling on a bad server means you are stuck with garbage unless you pay real money to switch.


It's pretty boring regardless- pve is a joke, voice acting/scripting is awful, with lines like 'This is where my legend starts!' that make me think it was written for kids or something. You'll spend the first few hours auto attacking.


Just another disappointment in a sea of them- SWTOR is still the best mmo out there, even with all its problems.

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My sub is canceled but I have till July to see what bioware will be releasing. Honestly 1.2 didn't meet my expectations at all. Maybe its because im an avid PvP'er and we always seem to get the short end of things. I also think 1.2 was way over hyped so with that there were very high expectations associated with that. As for 1.3 they are keeping it on the lean side and honestly there is nothing that they announced with 1.3 that really catches my eye.
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My sub is canceled but I have till July to see what bioware will be releasing. Honestly 1.2 didn't meet my expectations at all. Maybe its because im an avid PvP'er and we always seem to get the short end of things. I also think 1.2 was way over hyped so with that there were very high expectations associated with that. As for 1.3 they are keeping it on the lean side and honestly there is nothing that they announced with 1.3 that really catches my eye.


Really? LFG? Ranked WZs? These things don't excite you?


When will people stop making threads like this? Honestly. If you're still here at this point then you either need to admit you enjoy the game (but enjoy posting horrible threads more, apparently) or you're absolutely crazy (because you're still paying for it--holy crap dude).


This is a good game. Deal with it. 1.2 was cool, 1.3 will likely be cool as well. Of course, the only thing we know for sure is that we'll keep seeing threads like this from the same people. :rolleyes:

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My sub is canceled but I have till July to see what bioware will be releasing. Honestly 1.2 didn't meet my expectations at all. Maybe its because im an avid PvP'er and we always seem to get the short end of things. I also think 1.2 was way over hyped so with that there were very high expectations associated with that. As for 1.3 they are keeping it on the lean side and honestly there is nothing that they announced with 1.3 that really catches my eye.


I might be wrong here.. but isn`t PvP.. the reward of PvP in itself? I mean... aren`t you playing to duke it out and be better than "the other guy"? Want a medal? You ain`t gonna get it. If you are a true PvP-er.. you just fight day in - day out and get your thrills from there.


Seems to me you don`t have a thick enough skin... it`s true.. they don`t make `em like they used to...

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Really? LFG? Ranked WZs? These things don't excite you?


When will people stop making threads like this? Honestly. If you're still here at this point then you either need to admit you enjoy the game (but enjoy posting horrible threads more, apparently) or you're absolutely crazy (because you're still paying for it--holy crap dude).


This is a good game. Deal with it. 1.2 was cool, 1.3 will likely be cool as well. Of course, the only thing we know for sure is that we'll keep seeing threads like this from the same people. :rolleyes:


Actually were still here because GW2 hasn't released yet and it isn't May 15th for D3. You think the servers are dead now? Wait for 3 weeks when this game REALLY loses subs.

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Actually were still here because GW2 hasn't released yet and it isn't May 15th for D3. You think the servers are dead now? Wait for 3 weeks when this game REALLY loses subs.


Trust me GW2 will not kil this game. They said the same thing about Rift in the Warhammer forums. What will kill this game is bad patches, bad "balance" fixes, bad development, and overall lose of excitement for the game. GW2 will have a minor impact.

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Actually were still here because GW2 hasn't released yet and it isn't May 15th for D3. You think the servers are dead now? Wait for 3 weeks when this game REALLY loses subs.


Bye. GW2 looks great, but it has zero incentives for long-term play. Also, I hope you enjoy micro-transactions.

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Actually were still here because GW2 hasn't released yet and it isn't May 15th for D3. You think the servers are dead now? Wait for 3 weeks when this game REALLY loses subs.


I don't think so guy...GW2 blows chunks you should hear people complaining about how boxed in the world is and the horrible voice acting....

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Actually were still here because GW2 hasn't released yet and it isn't May 15th for D3. You think the servers are dead now? Wait for 3 weeks when this game REALLY loses subs.


Yeah, I played GW2 today, I'm not worried. My biggest annoyance about GW2 now is, I pre-ordered it and can't get a refund =/

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I might be wrong here.. but isn`t PvP.. the reward of PvP in itself? I mean... aren`t you playing to duke it out and be better than "the other guy"? Want a medal? You ain`t gonna get it. If you are a true PvP-er.. you just fight day in - day out and get your thrills from there.


Seems to me you don`t have a thick enough skin... it`s true.. they don`t make `em like they used to...


Haha that's a good one. I'm on my 2nd server with my 2nd level 50 BM which I started less then 1 month ago. PvP in TOR has gotten boring, Fighting the same people in the same 4 WZ has become dull, at least when ilum was around it helped break up the cycle. The medal system is killing the WZ's and I wouldn't call beating up on a fresh 50 wearing recruit gear a challenge. Take gear out and go skill vs skill then that is some solid PvP.

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lost interest after i read should have been available at launch , who are you people to say what is or isnt supposed to be at launch , lol . Ok well maybe your non-sci-fi mmo will be your guilds bees knees but well w/e. have fun and no i wont be unsubscribing even if 1.3 isnt here before Christmas.


The loyalty is strong i this thread.





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No I will not unsub for this reason. I am not an impatient child.


Things people need to know:


NO game will ever meet a hardcore gamers expectations.

NO MMO will ever give the same rush as your first MMO experience.


If I decide to unsub it will be the day I get bored or stop having fun!!! Imagine that quitting a game when I stop having fun or get bored of it.


Oh and I won't be wishing it fails after I go either guess I am not that big of a loser! I hope no game fails because competition is good for current games and games to come!

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I can't wait till 1.3 comes out. So excited to see more people quit after they see BW put in more useless legacy contents. Thanks again BW for the free month, I've been having a blast not loggin on to play your pos game.



Ooooo it's the i think i'm cool anti-fanboi post!

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Actually were still here because GW2 hasn't released yet and it isn't May 15th for D3. You think the servers are dead now? Wait for 3 weeks when this game REALLY loses subs.

dude...guild wars 2 SUCKS. I'm sorry to say. But lots of people are saying that now because beta brought them back to earth. Why are they even TRYING to go voice over quests? NOBODY will upstage TOR in that category.


BTW the whole thing about taking out the holy trinity system was the DUMBEST thing they could have done. People were complaining left and right! "guys...I can't do this legendary quest, I HAVE NO HEALER!!" and things like that They only reason gw2 looks good is because of the motion blur when running, and cinematic rolling/sprinting when fighting. It is NOT the savior, it is boring. The characters run VERY weird. It is more boring combat than WoW. It is just another fantasy game with upgraded graphics. It is very sub par. The cash shop charges A LOT of money for weapons/upgrades. It is a pay to win game. Not just cosmetics. Very bad arenanet...bad bad...

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I don't think so guy...GW2 blows chunks you should hear people complaining about how boxed in the world is and the horrible voice acting....


Checking out the forums on different sites has really made me giggle. What you'll see is the same thing that has been seen of TOR. Here are some examples.


1) Person A - The performance issues are horrid.

Person B - It's beta! God! What is it with you people?! It will get better. It. Is. Beta.


2) Person A - I played for an hour and I love this game already!

Person B - Well I played for an hour and I don't like it at all.

Person A - You played for an hour! Are you kidding me? You're basing whether or not you like this game from 1 hour of play?! You at least have to play 10 times longer than that before you can decide whether you like it! It only makes sense.


3) Person A - I've seen these problems before from other developers and I doubt this will end up much different any time soon.

Person B - Arenanet is not <insert developer here> and they won't let these same things happen! They are top notch!


4) Person A - It has some strong points but ultimately I don't think it's going to live up to its hype at least not for a time well after launch.

Person B - Then just go away and stay out of my game! I'm sure this game will be better without people like you!


5) Person A - The combat just still feels like so many other MMOs. A couple neat things here and there but at it's core it ultimately feels similar. I thought it was going to be different.

Person B - It is! You can dodge out of red circles!

Person A - I can manually do that in other games. I'm still essentially 'locked-on' and attacks are homing in on me.

Person B - It's an MMO. What did you expect? If you want a fail action game pretending to be an MMO go play Tera!

Edited by Varteras
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I can't wait till 1.3 comes out. So excited to see more people quit after they see BW put in more useless legacy contents. Thanks again BW for the free month, I've been having a blast not loggin on to play your pos game.


I for one want to thank you. first and formost, you are not someone I would want to run an Op with. I also want to thank you...since BW won't, for you funds to further improve my game play:D

Edited by Taorus
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