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Official Q&A Thread for May 4th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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What are the chances of getting armor dyes for the game? Some fellow players wish that they can change the actual color of their armor like me for a example, I wish to make my Mandalorian bounty hunters armor Purple. Will we be able to get to change that in the near future or patch update?
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When I was a jedi in Star Wars Galaxies, I had the option to put my cloak or robe hood down if I wanted too. Will there be an option on the chest piece in the near future or anytime soon that will allow me to do so?

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Something I think would be nice to see in game is the ability to be able to send out the companions of another of my characters on my server using the legacy system so when I'm crafting I don't need to constantly switch back and forth between characters, has anyone at Bioware had similar thoughts and if so can we expect to see them in the near future?
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It would be nice to be able to refer to a list of announced features that have been scheduled. E.g. you have announced that character transfers will be available "early summer". Is there already such a list? If yes, where is it?


EDIT: when I say "scheduled " I'm not suggesting you give us a hard date -- just that this list communicate which features and/or fixes are in the active development pipeline as you have with character transfer.


Do you have plans for increasing the GTN (or hutt network) market size by combining markets across servers?


Do you have plans to add "will buy quantity <x> of item <y> for price <z>" contracts to the trade network? If yes, when?

Edited by funkiestj
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I have a question regarding tanking in PvP. It seems that tanking stats (defense and shield/absorption) are rather useless in PvP combat, since most players rely more on tech/force attacks than white hits. That's why so many tanks (including myself) use DPS gear instead of tank gear. Are you planning on changing anything about defense and/or shield mechanics for PvP, so we can actually be tanks?
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I have a question regarding a recent trend I've discovered with PvE bosses. During a boss encounter specifically Lord Loyat on Ilum and the final boss of both the Jedi Knight and Jedi Consular class quests the boss will despawn after it is defeated and then take sometimes up to five minutes to respawn so that the player can finish the quest. I submitted a bug report and was told that this is not a bug. If that is the case can you tell me why this mechanic is set up that way? It doesn't seem to make a whole lot of sense.
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