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Tactics 101: The Diversion


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I attack w/ a Tankasin and Deception assassin. We don't usually have too many problems w/ double Tankasins, as we have more combined DPS than 2 Tankasins. It's also helpful that we play in the same room, so target switches and CCs go off w/out a hitch.


Unless it's a premade, when stealthers pop, at least one of them is going to need to type to Ops chat that there are stealthers at their node. It only takes about 5-10 seconds for us to blow one of them up and either CC the other to cap the node, or just kill them outright. Don't underestimate Deception's burst capability; it's not squishy when guarded and I'm taunting anyone attacking them.


Definitely not saying this works for everyone, but it's been rather successful for us. : )


That's more of the hero ball strategy. I've won 1on2 to retake a side cannon but it's obviously not a strat I'd recommend as your go to move. Yes often when you're behind in Alderran you might as well go for the desperation shot because you got nothing to lose (you'd almost never retake middle by normal tactics). The defenders have an insane advantage in Alderran side cannons and you'd have to be a lot stronger than they are to cap the point.


The problem with fighting XonX at a side is that if the enemy team is stronger, they'd have a man advantage in middle and they're still a stronger team to begin with, so they'll quickly win the fight in middle and if anyone is good at middle, they'll remember to check the sides. Of course a lot of games the guys in middle just start dancing and celebrate their victory and then complain why didn't you call for help while they're having their celebration, but still I don't base my strategy on the enemy screwing up badly. You're right that the guy getting jumped by 2 stealthers will rarely have time to call for help, but if the rest of their team is good, he wouldn't have to. I always run toward the side cannon if I'm in middle whenever it looks like we're a decisive advantage in middle.

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Last night in a Voidstar we had successfully defended the first door. Pretty even matchup on teams.


A few minutes in while we were attacking, it continued to be a stalemate. After a death, I noticed there was no one visible on the E door. I assumed that there was a Stealth near by, but nothing ventured, nothing gained.


I stealth up (Sawbones) and start to cap. I get attacked and survive for a bit before a second comes over to finish me off. He leaves after I am dead.


I continue to do this 2-3 times in a row. Soon there are two always on the E door. I am dying pretty quickly (Good DPS. If they were bad DPS I can run them around for a while) I always head out unstealthed and stealth within view/ and then vary when I attack/mez.


After getting them into a rhythm, I stealth and turn to the W door. I am bad DPS, but adding a bit and making sure we do not lose anyone, we were able to quickly cap 8 vs 6 and win.


This doesn't always work. But in a stalemate or a losing position, I will take a gamble like this once in a while.


Here's the key part of why this strat works: just because you know you're alone doesn't mean the enemy knows you're alone. Sure you walk into a trap and die horribly, but the defender can't be sure if you're really the decoy and another stealther is going to jump him, so if he's good he'll still call for an extra man just in case you're the decoy, so you'll be able to draw two guys to defend a door solo. Of course, if the defender never calls for help, you can just jump him 2 on 1 at some point.

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That's more of the hero ball strategy. I've won 1on2 to retake a side cannon but it's obviously not a strat I'd recommend as your go to move. Yes often when you're behind in Alderran you might as well go for the desperation shot because you got nothing to lose (you'd almost never retake middle by normal tactics). The defenders have an insane advantage in Alderran side cannons and you'd have to be a lot stronger than they are to cap the point.


The problem with fighting XonX at a side is that if the enemy team is stronger, they'd have a man advantage in middle and they're still a stronger team to begin with, so they'll quickly win the fight in middle and if anyone is good at middle, they'll remember to check the sides. Of course a lot of games the guys in middle just start dancing and celebrate their victory and then complain why didn't you call for help while they're having their celebration, but still I don't base my strategy on the enemy screwing up badly. You're right that the guy getting jumped by 2 stealthers will rarely have time to call for help, but if the rest of their team is good, he wouldn't have to. I always run toward the side cannon if I'm in middle whenever it looks like we're a decisive advantage in middle.


Well, if you need to use a feint like this, it goes w/out saying that you're already in the "ditch effort" phase of a battle, lol. It's pretty much only useful during a stalemate battle as a surprise attack strategy coordinated w/ a rush on middle (or the other side node if that's where they're holed up).


It's not generally meant to "win" the battle when we go for the side node, it's meant as a distraction w/ a secondary goal of taking that node if the opportunity presents itself. I'm not sure what you mean when you say we'd need to be "stronger" than the defenders; perhaps you are saying that we need to outgear them? There really aren't a lot of duos that have stood up to us for very long at all, so I'll worry more about this when we come across it, I suppose.


It's really just meant to be a distraction, like the OP said:


Step 1) Surprise enemy at the node

Step 2) Kill one as soon as dropping stealth

Step 3) Either Force Cloak and continue to harrass remaining defenders or CC and cap node

Step 4) If reinforcements arrive, we go into kite/attrition mode, where we pretty much draw out the battle for as long as possible while my AoEs whittle people down and she bursts anyone that gets down to half health. I can do this for a long time if there are less than 4 defenders. (I'm a half tanky-tank. DPS gear w/ defense/surge mods and shield generator)


If my team could not take back middle after the 2 of us have drawn defenders off to the side node for all of this time, then we aren't going to win the match anyway.


Sometimes, a PuG just isn't going to do it.



Edited by Varicite
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