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Bring my Maurader back to Pre-1.2 please


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So there seems to be a lot of hate towards the Maruader class due to the buff with ravage. Even though the majority of the people that have an issue wtih this buff can't seem to interrupt, LoS, or run out of range. I feel it is necessary for those that actually have an expetise over 1200 to cater to the general population.


Make this happen in the near future so we can move on to the next FOTM.






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It's not MS/Ravage that is really making people whine. It is...


Saber Ward


Guarded by the Force

Force Camo


Apparently, that's too many defensive cooldowns for a DPS class.


for the BEST dps class.. best burst ingame best overall dps nest and most defcds ingame 2 marauders on 1 enemy is a dead one in about 6 seconds ...


and @Op learn your class ravage cant be interrupted... TT

Edited by Sithtraller
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for the BEST dps class.. best burst ingame best overall dps nest and most defcds ingame 2 marauders on 1 enemy is a dead one in about 6 seconds ...


and @Op learn your class ravage cant be interrupted... TT


Best burst? Where? Ravage is a 3 second channeled spell and you can get out of it (Stun/knockback/flash grenade/force choke him ). Smash spec takes actual set up (Force choke/slow dot/30 centering... all of which is longer than 4 seconds to get the 4 stacks required for a big smash) And the burn/bleed spec? Again, more set up


Burst is more like... A thermal detonator final explosion + rail shot at the same time.


Any 2 DPS on any 1 Enemy is also probably dead within 6 seconds in todays PVP game, healing aside.


They do have the best single target SUSTAINED dps though.

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Kinda funny because I didnt hear any whining prior to 1.2. We had all the defensive cooldowns then and we actually got a nerf in 1.2.


The said thing is that the quality of players has gone down because I dont get kited nearly as much anymore. Thats why we have the cooldowns.


Learn to PvP is what it comes down to.

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Lol at op, most likely annihilation specced who don't value ravage as much as carnage players. Yes bio ware please nerf a skill I never use so people quit complaining about me!!! Annihilation is where the problem is, not marauders in general.
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The thing about the buffed ravage is they basically made it so you need a hard stun/KB to get away from it... cant interrupt, and you are constantly 50% run snared ... so the only way not to eat the thing is hard stuns/KB, since simply trying to run out of its last hit isnt effective at 50% run.


But damage is what maras are supposed to do, so I dont think people mind this as much as they mind the fact that you just cant break through all the defensive cooldowns before they get all that damage off on you.


So when people complain about maras they are mostly complaining that they cant ever be killed before they face raep you.

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Kinda funny because I didnt hear any whining prior to 1.2. We had all the defensive cooldowns then and we actually got a nerf in 1.2.


The said thing is that the quality of players has gone down because I dont get kited nearly as much anymore. Thats why we have the cooldowns.


Learn to PvP is what it comes down to.


the problem is that "casuals" can only focus on one class... and for them sorcs were the op class, even if i think in comparison to marauder/tankassa/tankpyros and snipers... sorcs were more than fine, because they just insta die if someone looks (looked) their way...


pvp balance is just totally broken, heal cant outheal 2 dds for over 10 seconds, so 2 dds that focus 1 dd that gets healed by one healer (that doesnt get cc'ed/interrupted and so on) just dies damn fast, that is no balance srsly if the skill in this game is: "who does more dmg in a short time" without any tactics like when to cc or interrupt whom ....


but yeah healing was overpowered ... oh wait


@slims EXACTLY for the damage they do the defcds they have are just of the charts, get 2 marauders vs 8 dds, the 2 can easily snipe 2 dds out of there because of their cds

Edited by Sithtraller
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