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Marking healers in PvP and healer survivability - questions


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This should say enough about survivability. TIRED of TERRIBLE healers coming on here and saying "omg nerf dps please they kill me so fast waa waa waa"...


if anything they should buff dps or lower the timer on planting objectives.


Posting a game with big numbers for effect...I have some screenchots of 600-0, 6-0, and some where enemy team got 0 kills if you all need more proof that healers ARE FINE LET US BE!






So let me dissect this screenshot for everyone here who can't.


You played a crap team for various reasons which I'll list below:


1. You died 0 times as the solo healer on your team. You play any half decent pug that has a few ppl on their team that know to hit healers and you don't have cross healing help when you're cc'ed or just focused hard, you're gonna have a death or 2 even as a scoundrel (which btw is funny you are bragging about survivability as a scoundrel)


2. Look at the opposing team's makeup. All inquisitors and an agent. Not a single warrior or powertech to make your life miserable...by THEMSELVES. I can survive powertechs and marauders 1v1, and against well played ones it is very difficult. If they have any sort of help, especially someone just to stun me when escape is down, and I'm done.


3. The protection on your team wasn't too terribly high. I've seen some games where a friend of mine had 400k protection because he guarded the healer that kept getting beat on. So assuming you had guard, which once again lol @ you for bragging about survivability, and you didn't even get focused that much based on those lower numbers. Think the highest was 70kish.


So to sum it up, congratulations on being a diamond in a sea of turds.

Edited by Ravashakk
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So let me dissect this screenshot for everyone here who can't.


You played a crap team for varios reasons which I'll list below:


1. You died 0 times as the solo healer on your team. You play any half decent pug that has a few ppl on their team that know to hit healers and you don't have cross healing help when you're cc'ed or just focused hard, you're gonna have a death or 2 even as a scoundrel (which btw is funny you are bragging about survivability as a scoundrel)


2. Look at the opposing team's makeup. All inquisitors and an agent. Not a single warrior or powertech to make your life miserable...by THEMSELVES. I can survive powertechs and marauders 1v1, and against well played ones it is very difficult. If they have any sort of help, especially someone just to stun me when escape is down, and I'm done.


3. The protection on your team wasn't too terribly high. I've seen some games where a friend of mine had 400k protection because he guarded the healer that kept getting beat on. So assuming you had guard, which once again lol @ you for bragging about survivability, and you didn't even get focused that much based on those lower numbers. Think the highest was 70kish.


So to sum it up, congratulations on being a diamond in a sea of turds.


And his e-peen just deflated.

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This should say enough about survivability. TIRED of TERRIBLE healers coming on here and saying "omg nerf dps please they kill me so fast waa waa waa"...


if anything they should buff dps or lower the timer on planting objectives.


Posting a game with big numbers for effect...I have some screenchots of 600-0, 6-0, and some where enemy team got 0 kills if you all need more proof that healers ARE FINE LET US BE!






I add this as a example for heal-sorc:


Middle was never capped by any of the teams in this match. We won because we were able to take their outer turret for like 30 seconds. (20-0)

1083454 heal, 0 deaths.

Edited by iphobia
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Aa a Sent I can NEVER kill a Sage/Sorc healer. They always pop this protection bubble and I can never really do any damage. Then they fry me with the lightning bolt and I'm dead.


These days they don't even heal they just burn me down with lightning and half your HPs is bye bye after the first bolt. Switching to a Sage tired of lasting 5 seconds in a battle.

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Aa a Sent I can NEVER kill a Sage/Sorc healer. They always pop this protection bubble and I can never really do any damage. Then they fry me with the lightning bolt and I'm dead.


These days they don't even heal they just burn me down with lightning and half your HPs is bye bye after the first bolt. Switching to a Sage tired of lasting 5 seconds in a battle.


I don't normally agree with the L2Play crowd, but in this case I do. I personally think dmg across the board is a bit high causing TTK to be too low. You play a class that is at the top of that list. On my marauder pre 1.2, I never had issues 1v1 with anyone, especially sorcs. A well played one could kite me for a bit, but he wasn't putting out really good dps if he was. I'm not trying to insult you by any means, but you def need to learn the ins and outs of your class.

Edited by Ravashakk
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