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Heal relict


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He is talking about the Rakata Relics that drop from HM KP, the second to last boss the large Droid.


As to whether or not it heals you. I believe the tool-tip does say something about a chance to proc on heals. And since the Assassin's self heals are considered a heal, then logic would dictate that the relic would have a chance to proc.


Although I would probably rather have a DPS relic over the Heal relic (On a PvP stand-point). True we do self heal from time to time, but the chance on those relics using the ability is relatively low, I would rather have the chance to do extra damage than to have a chance heal. Since we put out more numbers on the damage side then heal, their would be more of a chance to have the damage proc, then the heal to proc.


But again this is just me theorizing, I have not heard of any of our Tanksins or Maras using the heal relic, so I wouldn't know how much better it would be to have one.

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