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Continuous Music Suggestion [BW please read]


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Hi !


I have a suggestion that i feel is very much needed to enhance the experience of the game.


I would like to be able to have Continuous Music playing while playing the game, lets say for example: standing still in fleet and just waiting for the warzone que, it would be so much nicer to actually stay if there was some music playing.


I logged into WoW for some days ago, and first thing i noticed was the great music being played randomly (not too much, not too little) while being in stormwind or orgrimmar.

Then it hit me: Why dont swtor has Continuous Music?


I would like to have the same in SWTOR, i know this is not hard to implement, and i think many other people would agree on getting this into the game.


There is so many great music tracks inside this game, take alderaan music for example, that music in the loading screen is really good! and many other tracks that i know exist... why not make use of them?



Cratzky :wea_02:

Edited by Cratzky
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Made my own thread about this the other day.


I fully support this.


Glad to hear that im not alone.

Its small things like this that makes a game successful, and i personally feel, its a must for an MMO like this where the "Star Wars Experience" is very dependent on the music

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  • 2 weeks later...
Glad to hear that I'm not alone.

It's small things like this that make a game successful and I personally feel it's a must for an MMO like this where the "Star Wars Experience" is very dependent on the music.


I couldn't agree more there. Having the music appear so infrequently is the only reason that I find myself disabling the otherwise-awesome in-game music.

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It would certainly be nice to have the option. The music score for SWTOR is

exceptional. Generates atmosphere very effectively. Hell, you can always

turn it off if it gets too much.

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It would certainly be nice to have the option. The music score for SWTOR is

exceptional. Generates atmosphere very effectively. Hell, you can always

turn it off if it gets too much.


It's such a shame that we can turn it off, but can't select to keep it on.


Hopefully this'll be amended in time.


/shakes fist at the immortal enemy of time

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