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PVP Social Points


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Social Points are specifically meant to represent how much Group Questing you've done. PvP isn't group questing, therefore it doesn't give Social Points. Now, granted, you can argue that most flashpoints don't reward enough social points (I'd agree with you there), but PvP has very little to do with what Social Points are supposed to represent (at least in PUGS, and even in pre-mades, the social aspect is mostly coordination based, and operations are not exactly social point wellsprings either).
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Yeah, I agree. Also, completing heroic missions while in a group should award some points. My latest alt is now Level 44, PvP Rank 44, has completed all up-to-level Flashpoints (many of them multiple times) and has participated in a fair number of heroics.


What's my Social Rank? Rank 1... It seems silly.

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Yeah, I agree. Also, completing heroic missions while in a group should award some points. My latest alt is now Level 44, PvP Rank 44, has completed all up-to-level Flashpoints (many of them multiple times) and has participated in a fair number of heroics.


What's my Social Rank? Rank 1... It seems silly.


Same here.


I hate having to farm social points from lower level flashpoints.

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I think anyone who plays a PVP match should also receive social points as well as the normal rewards. I think this would help all player build there social levels quicker. Anyone else agree or disagree?


They are already implemented...Valor points.

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Agreed. I have posted this in suggestions many times.


It makes NO sense that we get ZERO social points from WZs. At the end of a WZ we should get something like 4 points for playing.


WZs are probably one of the most lively, social events in the game outside of operations.

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