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Bring back HSM pre 1.2C


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Bioware has nerfed our Merc Asrenal into the ground, where it is no longer functional in pvp. First they nerfed our Tracer Missle to encourage a more active rotation from all players. I think this change is not only goog, but a welcome change for our class. However, they also nerfed our survivability by nerfing our barrier shield and our precious knockback. As the ONLY class without an interrupt, we have to use our knockback effectively, and putting it on a longer timer makes this even more difficult considering it already doesn't affect players with full resolve. Post 1.2 we at least had a huge hitting HSM missile to make up for the nerfs. While the HSM missile was hitting too hard without having the proper 5 stack heat sigs, it was hitting for the appropriate amount of damage in pvp. Merc arsenal is the EASIEST class to counter by interrupting our tracer missile as our 2 major dps attacks are dependent on TM (unload and HSM). By interrupting our TM, a pvp'er can effectively neutralize our TM, unload and HSM dps. If they keep TM inhibited our dps is about as good as a tank (tank speced). If a pvp'er allows you to build up 5 stacks of heat sigs they need to pay the price! Not just laugh off another 2.5k HSM. Please bring back pre 1.2C HSM damage so we at least have some strong spike dps to make up for our HEAVILY TM dependent class which now has decreased survivability and lacks an interrupt. Edited by Ifrit
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Bioware has nerfed our Merc Asrenal into the ground, where it is no longer functional in pvp. First they nerfed our Tracer Missle to encourage a more active rotation from all players. I think this change is not only goog, but a welcome change for our class. However, they also nerfed our survivability by nerfing our barrier shield and our precious knockback. As the ONLY class without an interrupt, we have to use our knockback effectively, and putting it on a longer timer makes this even more difficult considering it already doesn't affect players with full resolve. Post 1.2 we at least had a huge hitting HSM missile to make up for the nerfs. While the HSM missile was hitting too hard without having the proper 5 stack heat sigs, it was hitting for the appropriate amount of damage in pvp. Merc arsenal is the EASIEST class to counter by interrupting our tracer missile as our 2 major dps attacks are dependent on TM (unload and HSM). By interrupting our TM, a pvp'er can effectively neutralize our TM, unload and HSM dps. If they keep TM inhibited our dps is about as good as a tank (tank speced). If a pvp'er allows you to build up 5 stacks of heat sigs they need to pay the price! Not just laugh off another 2.5k HSM. Please bring back pre 1.2C HSM damage so we at least have some strong spike dps to make up for our HEAVILY TM dependent class which now has decreased survivability and lacks an interrupt.


Yeah I agree. They need to bring it back the way it was in PVP. Not the crazy hits like they were seeing in PVE.

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