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how to use mercenery in PVP


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as far as i know, if a guy want to get close to you, donot let him get what he wants, keeping running and shooting while he chasing your footstep, but it is very annoying that some class can slow your speed whenever they like and the merce only got one or two slow speed skill and they are very inefficient, anybody has any ideas?
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as far as i know, if a guy want to get close to you, donot let him get what he wants, keeping running and shooting while he chasing your footstep, but it is very annoying that some class can slow your speed whenever they like and the merce only got one or two slow speed skill and they are very inefficient, anybody has any ideas?


That's it? That's al you can think of? What about mass killing with the missile thing(Can't remember it's name, it's a huge AOE attack) Or try using your flamethrower, ignore timed attacks like the dart, and spam your missile blast and vent heat when you have too much, I getat least 5 medals a game with my 24 merc with these tactics. Also, actually use your stuns and knockbacks, and the middle skill tree is the best.

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Well this thread quickly became pointless.


Well done you two. Low level warzones can't be compared to end game. Whatever you're doing in them now, won't be what you'll be able to do against experienced fully geared players.


Use Jet Boost, kiting dps, Stun Dart, kiting dps, Concussion Missile, heal and kite. Then lay the smacketh down. With luck you do more then tickle them before falling over.

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From an outsider perspective, mercenaries seem to suck at doing any job by themselves (key word is "themselves"). They don't seem to have enough in the way of stuns, mobility, target breaks (like invisibility) or potent defense increases. These often come with high-damage classes which have little luxury with range such as the marauder or operative. It's extremely important that you can do all your almighty straight healing or straight damage without interference because in a boring flatland arena, many classes have more utility-type tricks up their sleeves than you do. Grab the backs of the biggest gathering of teammates, try not to stand out, use your range to the max of its potential.


Only move forward if it means drawing your teams attention to a melee class attacking you head-on. Even if you CAN handle the attacker yourself, on equal-gear grounds it's a bigger loss for your team if you're too preoccupied to heal than it is to them having one DPS preoccupied with you.


Use balconies and obstacles where possible except when risking an enemy ball carrier jumping to you. There's the abundance of catwalks in The Pit, and vantage points at each point on Alderaan, the bridges for threatening passersby on Voidstar etc. Of course some can leap to you, but even in the sentinels case, if you knock them back off properly ASAP, they're out of the fight for a valuable 9-12 seconds (or whatever long run-around they take) unless they switch target. And then there's the concussion missile to fall back on if nobody else comes to your rescue.


Your biggest problem when facing melee attackers are those who are clever enough to try positioning themselves to a wall or the rest of a balcony to brace for the effects of a knockback. Be wary. Ranged attackers are of course a simple case of breaking line of sight.

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